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The Rock Cycle Crossword Puzzle

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The Rock Cycle

      3                   4      
  8             9                
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5 A type of rock that forms when layers of sediment are passed together
6 The breaking down of rocks on Earth's surface into smaller pieces
7 The sequence of processes that change rocks from one type to another over long periods
10 A type of rock that forms from melted rock that cools and hardens
11 The solid rock that forms Earth's surface
12 The largest particles that make up soil
13 The smallest particlea that make up soil
1 A layer in the soil
2 A solid substance made of one or more minerals
3 A type of rock that forms when heat or pressure change an existing rock
4 The process of moving sediment from one place to another
8 A soild substance that occurs naturally in rocks or in the ground
9 The remains of decayed plants or animals in the soil
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