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The Skeletal System Crossword Puzzle
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The Skeletal System

            3                                   4
      8                         9                
    11                     12                      
          15       16                              
Across Down
3 Produces red blood cells, white blood cells, and other elements.
5 126 bones of the upper and lower limbs, shoulders, and hips.
6 80 bones of the skull, vertebrae, and sternum, or breastbone
7 Joints that have an oval shaped part that fits into a curved space
8 a condition in which progressive loss of bone tissue occurs
10 process by which bones are formed, renewed, and repaired.
11 fracture in which the bone shatters into more than two pieces
12 bones that are thinner and flatter than others
13 joints that are found at the elbow, knee, and fingers that allow a joint to bend and straighten
14 fracture that is incomplete and the two parts of the bone do not separate
15 fracture that is completely across the bone
1 bones that have an unusual shape and do not fit into the other categories
2 strong, flexible, connective tissue
3 damage to tissues caused by repeated movements.
4 bones in your legs and arms
9 bones almost equal in length
16 Protects the brain
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