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The Statehood Era Crossword Puzzle

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The Statehood Era

          2   3                                    
8                                             9    
              10                                   11
                              15           16   17    
            18           19         20                
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2 Offering land to any pioneer willing to move west
4 Forbade new immigrants from coming into the U.S. from China
5 The act of removing the Indians
6 Producing crops and farm animals for sale
7 Used irrigation water to raise fruits and vegetables
8 Produce wheat, barley, and hay without irrigation
10 A change in the way goods are produced
13 A method of farming without irrigation
14 The owner and President of the Central and Southern Pacific Railroads
18 Offering a certain amount of land to any white settler if they move to the Oregon territory
1 A town undergoing rapid growth
3 What invention made it possible to buy fresh salmon
9 Where fish is canned
11 A place set aside for Indian use
12 A person who is the first to explore or settle a new country/area
15 The financer and owner of the Northern Pacific Railway
16 He built and operated the first commercial salmon cannery
17 A person who owns a ranch
19 An enabling act allowing Washington to hold a constitutional convention in the summer
20 Financed the construction of a railroad from Wallula on the Columbia River to the city of Walla Walla.
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