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The Story

                                    1   2                
                          7 8                            
                        10                 11              
                          12                 13            
                            14                 15          
                        16                     17          
                        18         19   20                  
                                          21             22
                23       24                                
              25                               26          
Across Down
1 On the third day, Jesus is ______.
5 Led the people out of Egypt.
7 Jesus said, 'Let the ________ come to me'. (Matthew19:14)
10 The name of the giant David killed with a stone.
11 God's Holy place, destroyed and then rebuilt (Zechariah 1:16)
12 What the followers of Jesus were called
13 The other spy sent with Joshua. (Numbers 14:10)
14 Boom Boom _____________.
17 Garden of ______.
18 Town Jesus was born in. (Luke 2:11)
21 Daniel was great at interpretting these (Daniel 2:24)
24 A good king. 1Kings (15:11)
25 He had lots of brothers, but was his father's favorite. (Genesis 37:18)
26 OT Prophet who spoke of the coming Messiah. (Matthew 12:17)
27 One of Israel's Judges. The guy with the hair.
28 Isaiah, _________, Lamentations
29 How Jesus was killed.
30 8th book of the Bible
2 David's son, asked for wisdom. (1Kings 4:1)
3 A prophet, raised by a priest named Eli. (1 Samuel 3:19-20)
4 Where Jesus walked in John 6:19
6 Wrote Romans, Corinthians, and several other books of the Bible
8 Two words, Acts 2:4, Everyone was filled with the ____ _____.
9 The city Joshua marched around.
15 Ezra, ________, Esther,
16 God promised to give him a son, he was very old when it finally happened.
19 These are the days of ________
20 17th book of the OT
21 A great king. 2Samuel 5:4
22 Who baptized Jesus? (Matthew 3:13)
23 The Ten _____________.
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