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The Sun Crossword Puzzle

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The Sun

These are vocabulary word that relate to the sun, fill the word into my crossword puzzle.

                                            12   13
                  14     15   16         17          
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2 The outside layer of the sun's atmosphere.
3 The process which releases energy.
4 An explosion of energy that comes from the sun.
5 It is a thin layer of the sun, just above the Photospere.
6 What zone does energy move by radiation?
7 incandescent gas that extends above the the Photosphere.
8 What is the surface of the sun that you can see called?
10 What zone is energy carried upward by convection?
11 Charged particles that come from the sun's corona.
14 What the sun is made of.
1 A energetic charged particles that are held in place around a magnetized planet.
9 High temperature.
12 Something that makes things visible/illumination.
13 It is released by fusion reactions in the core.
15 streaks of colorful light in the sky, normally found near the northern or southern magnetic poles.
16 what is at the center of the sun?
17 A dark area of the Photosphere on the sun that is cooler than the areas around it.
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