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The Tragedy OF Julius Caesar Crossword Puzzle

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The Tragedy of Julius Caesar

Find the word that matches each definition.

                5   6                                  
                7                             8        
            9                           10              
                  13                     14              
            15                         16                
                17     18               19                
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3 The burying of a dead body.
4 Predicting what will happen.
6 Made to feel confused.
7 With intense anger.
11 Rebellion.
12 To give a warning sign about the future.
13 Strong determination; a plan or decision.
14 Way of conducting oneself; behavior.
15 To be made greater or enhanced.
16 About to happen.
17 Begged or pleaded.
19 Money, property, or position left in a will to someone.
20 Rely too much on or taken advantage of.
1 Joyfulness and merriment.
2 To speak on a topic formally and at length.
5 Flattered or acted with excessive concern for the wishes and moods of another.
6 Severe criticism or punishment.
8 With struggle or conflict.
9 Strange or remarkable sight.
10 Declared to be guilt of wrongdoings.
18 Acting without thinking or impulsive.
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