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The Twelve Disciples Crossword Puzzle

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The Twelve Disciples

                        2   3                
            4   5                            
        9   10                                
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3 He betrayed Jesus for 30 pieces of silver
4 The oldest disciple, also known as Simon, his new name meant 'rock'
6 The brother of Peter
7 He took the place of Judas
8 He was also known as Levi; he was a tax collector
11 He was a twin and was called 'the doubter'.
1 He was also called Bartholomew
2 He was from Bethsaida, brought Nathaniel along to be a disciple
3 He was a son of Alphaeus, and known as 'the lessor.'
5 We are not told much about him
9 The youngest disciple and brother to James. He wrote a Gospel
10 He was known as the 'Zealot'
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