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The Universe

          6                               7      
                8                             9  
        12                       13                
              17                           18   19  
  20     21                                        
                24     25           26              
Across Down
3 galaxy is a round shape
5 galaxy without a shape
6 hot,dim stars at the end of their life
8 daily changes in the level of ocean water
10 diagram that plots stars according to luminosity and surface temperature
11 how bright a star actually is
12 occurs when Sun,Moon,&Earth are in a straight line: New Moon & Full Moon
16 brightness
17 how bright a star appears from earth
20 occurs after a mainsequence star runs out of hydrogen fuel
22 takes 365 days
24 continuous band of stars that generate energy through nuclear reactions
1 galaxy with arms and a bulge
2 causes day and night
3 arrangement of electromagnetic waves
4 primary fuel used by stars
7 distance light travels in 1 year
9 transfer of energy through matter and space
13 our galaxy
14 occurs when Sun,Moon,&Earth are at a right angle:1st and 3rd quarters
15 medium sized, main sequence star closest to Earth
18 all space and matter space contains
19 where the Sun is located in the Milky Way galaxy
21 billions of stars
23 caused by tilt of Earth on its axis while revolving around the sun
25 beginning of a lunar cycle
26 cloud of gas/dust where stars are born
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