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The Vikings

                      1           2      
              7       8             9    
11                   12           13        
Across Down
4 belief in more than one god. Other civilisations that were polytheist were ancient Rome and ancient Egyptian. Societies that believe in one god are called monotheistic.
5 A comet visible from Earth about every 76 years as it orbits the sun. It was last seen in 1986.
6 Someone who goes back on their word.
7 A medieval social system based on obligations between lords (who provided land to work on and protection) and vassals (who gave military service in time of war).
10 Robbed with violence.
11 A soft, easily carved rock that retains heat.
12 Often used to describe someone (or the beliefs of someone) who does not follow the teachings of Christianity.
13 A long, narrow sea inlet with steep cliffs on each side.
14 A pile of rubbish marking the site of an ancient settlement and providing evidence of human activity. Often it consists of fragments of shells, bones and pottery, food scraps and waste.
15 Written stories about Vikings, most recorded in Iceland in the twelfth and thirteenth centuries. Mixing myths and historical accounts, they provide much of the information we have today as Vikings.
1 spoken by Vikings and other peoples of the north (i.e. modern Scandinavia).
2 Literally ‘men from the north’ (i.e. from Scandinavia). The adjective is Norse.
3 The eastern part of the ancient Roman Empire (which was split in two in AD 395). It fell in 1453 when its capital, Constantinople, was seized by Ottoman Turks.
8 Germanic people who settled in England during the fifth and sixth centuries.
9 A collection of stories about heroes, deities and legendary creatures of a particular people.
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