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Thomas Jefferson

                2             3   4        
                          5               6
            10                     11        
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2 Ran against Jefferson in the election of 1800
8 Position Jefferson held during George Washington's presidency
9 Court decision that established judicial review
10 Demanded tribute for safe passage in the Mediterranean
12 Name of Jefferson's home
13 Purchased from France in 1803
14 President who Jefferson followed by not running for reelection again in 1808
15 Jefferson's attempt to stop the United States from being pulled into war between Britain and France
16 Jefferson was leader of this political party
17 Republican candidate for president in 1808 who had Jefferson's approval
18 Broke the tie in the House of Representatives following the election of 1800
19 French leader that made a land deal with Jefferson
1 Nation that Jefferson was an ambassador to before the Constitution was written
3 $60,000 that had to be paid to end the Barbary Wars and reclaim American sailors in 1804
4 President when Jefferson served as vice president
5 Joined Merriweather Lewis as a leader of the Corp of Discovery
6 Sent by Jefferson to further explore the west
7 Written for the Second Continental Congress in 1776.
11 Nation that demanded more tribute from the United States in 1801
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