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Through The Dragon's Eye

Characters, Creatures, Objects and Places From TV Series

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Across Down
3 The White-furred human-sized, bipedal, talking Mouse
4 The drawing of the particular Area of Widge
7 The Dangerous Bog, that Boris accidently fell into
8 The Mischievous Furry Squirrel-like creatures that dwell in Widge
11 Morris' pet giant turquoise tortoise
16 The Strange Formed Rock
18 Another Country Nebouring Pelamar
19 The Green Fire-breathing Dragon
20 The educational BBC Look and Read production
21 Chapter Seven: Episode In Which The Search Party See A Shimmering Waterfall with a Riddle
22 The Room Filled with Books Within the Book Tree
23 Chapter Eight: Episode In Which Gorwen and Charn Engage a fight
25 Ice that is not strong enough to support one
26 The Purple Keeper
30 The History Book on the Veetacore
31 The Evil One, A skeletal Birdman Wizard with long knife-like fingers
32 Chapter Three: Episode in which the group locates one of the three missing Veetons
33 One of the Children who is transported to Pelamar
35 The Orange Keeper
36 Chapter Five: Episode In Which The Search Party Get A Snowflake Clue
39 The Home of Both the Veetacore and its Keepers
42 Morris' pet giant pink snail
43 The Pieces of the Veetacore
44 The Coloured Trio who Look after the Veetacore
45 The Green Keeper
46 The Second Child Who Is Transported to Pelamar
47 The Life-force, the source of Pelamar
48 A Painting on the wall of a schoolyard, made by Amanda, Jenny and Scott
49 The Spoken Language of Widge, which only Rodey can also speak
1 The Long Thin Instrument that Detects Veetons
2 The Tree Filled Signs and Books
5 Chapter Two: Episode in which the Search Party Heads off to Widge
6 A Place where buildings collapse suddenly or plants and creature fade away without warning
9 The broad expanse of flat land of Widge, much of it covered in Snow
10 The Exit of the Book Tree
12 The Magical Land where the Three children gets transported to
13 The Air you can't fly through
14 Chapter Nine: Episode in which the search party face danger at the top of the mountain
15 Morris' pet giant green caterpillar (who then became a butterfly at the end)
17 The Name of the Inhabitants of Pelamar
20 Chapter One: Episode in which Gorwen Transports to the Children to Pelamar
24 A Special Flavoured water drink, that was used in the celebration party
27 Chapter Ten: Episode in which the mission is finally completed. The very Last chapter
28 The third Child and Only Boy of to be Transpotred to Pelamar
29 The a BBC Television programme for primary schools, that Through the Dragon's Eye is part of
34 The Campsite at Widge's Border
37 Chapter Six: Episode In Which Jenny Secretly Makes A Message In A Scarf
38 Chapter Four: Episode In Which Amanda and Boris are given a riddle from the Book Tree
40 Road that is Not Safe to Cross
41 A Storm of fast falling Snow
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