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Titanic Crossword Puzzle Answer

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      T H I R T Y S E V E N S E C O N D S
      L                                 H
      A P R I L S E V E N T E E N T H   A
      N                                 R
      T H I R T Y S E V E N             E
      C A P T A I N S M I T H            
      A P R I L F I F T E E N T H        
  C A L I F O R N I A N                  
  F O U R T H                            
W O M E N A N D C H I L D R E N          
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2 the officers had how many second before the titanic hit the iceberg
4 What day did the Titanic’s survivors reach new York
5 How many life boats were there supposed to be?
6 2. Who said they did not have to do the life boat drill because the ship was unsinkable
7 what day did the titanic sink
8 what ship was the closest to the titanic when it hit the iceberg
9 Which boiler was just for show.
10 who were the first ones to enter the life boats
1 What was printed on board the titanic every day?
3 Third class had to do what with their bathrooms
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