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Titanic Crossword

                  2   3                  
                6               7        
  9       10                              
      12       13     14         15          
  16         17                            
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2 Most passengers faced this because of the cold weather or by sinking in the water
4 Edward Smith took this position and was criticized by the poorly-done job
7 Passengers' reaction to the collision with the iceberg
8 Compartments raised in ships after Titanic to prevent water from overflowing on deck
9 Created to alert ships of approaching ice fields in the ocean
11 The word that described the Titanic before it sank
13 1,517 deaths of?
18 There were only few of these on board so there weren't many survivors
19 Used to communicate with other ships
1 ______ and children first
3 The ocean which Titanic had its voyage
4 The ship that rescued the ones that made it on the lifeboats
5 Lot of them were separated during the incident
6 Tool which the look-outs should have had to watch for icefields
10 The month the Titanic sank
12 Block of ice the Titanic hit
14 The collision with the iceberg caused _____ of the Titanic
15 Law passed by U.S. congress in 1912
16 Type of calls that give warnings
17 Titanic had lack of this regulations
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