When the main character becomes sick, he thinks he is having problems with his
Once the main character finds himself almost going crazy because nobody will talk to him, he turns to this sharp plant to insure that he still exists and can feel pain.
To try and be acknowledged by someone, the main character tries to do a good deed by attempting to giving money to a
Since the waiters will not talk to an invisible man, the main character has no other choice but to eat at only this type of restaurant.
The society monitors whether or not people are communicating with the invisibles using
The punishment the main character is charged with after committing the crime of coldness.
This story takes place in which time period?
In order to celebrate that the year of his invisibility is over, the police invite him out for a
What does the main character give the other invisible at the end of the story that shows that he can see him?
The invisibility stamp is placed on the
At the end of the story, what crime does the main character commit that could possibly lead into him being sentenced with another year of invisibility?
Which punishment did the main character compare to invisibility, claiming that it was worse even though his crime wasn't bad enough for him to be charged with?
Even though the main character grew very ill and was in desperate need of help, which character still refused to aid him due to the fact that he was invisible?