WhenWe Crossword Puzzles

Travel Crossword Puzzle

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            1         2    
7         8                
  13   14       15            
16             17            
    18   19                  
Across Down
4 City for picture 1
6 Capital of Spain
7 Picture 3 the tower of.______
9 Steve has been to 49 ________
12 Famous food from Italy
13 Steve used to live in famous old area in Tokyo
16 Beautiful old city in Japan
17 Many European countries have this money
18 Steve's favorite country
20 Country where Machu Pichu is.
1 City for picture 4
2 Money in USA
3 what are they in picture 5
5 I like to go swimming at the _______
8 Country for picture 7
10 On a winter holiday you do this.
11 Rich area in Tokyo
14 Tokyo's tallest building
15 Picture 2 is the Acropolis in the city of A--EN- (six letters)
19 City for picture 6
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