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Treasures OF The Catholic Faith Crossword Puzzle

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Treasures of the Catholic Faith

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1 Attributing to persons or objects power that belogs to God alone.
3 The grace that heals our human nature wounded by sin by giving us a share in the divine life of the Trinity.
4 The Bible, a collection of books writen by human authors inspired by God.
5 The transmission of the message of the Gospel in the church from the preaching of the Apostles to the present day.
6 An action showing irreverence or contempt for persons, places, or things concecrated by God.
7 One God in Three Divine persons-Father, Son, and Holy Spirit.
8 God's plan to the sins of human beings and restore them to his frienedship.
9 The habit of doind good and wanting to do good.
10 A failure to love God and others, rather than a deliberate act of turning away from God.
2 The complete change that occurs at the concecration of the bread and wine at Mass.
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