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3 My __ are to fix computers and anything that is electronic.
4 I saw a women that was taking care of a lost dog and it was really skinny because of ___.
6 Louie and the rest of the POWs are so ___ that you can see their bones.
9 When soldiers are in a war, many pieces of shrapnel cuts ___ into their skins.
11 I was exasperated when my brother took my chocolate cake without my ___.
15 The bird tried to be ___ to Louie when actually he was the total opposite.
16 Louie was ___ when Mac ate all of the chocolate that was left on the raft.
17 Being apparent is when something is clearly __ or shown to be true.
18 Being hopeless can cause despair about something that seems that won't be ___.
21 When Louie ran a race, he felt ____ that he had won.
26 Being a prodigy is when a person is endowed with exceptional qualities or __.
28 Shrapnels are part of bombs and all type of metal objects and when pieces of these get into somebodys skin, it leaves really badly __.
1 Louie was sweating and __ after he finished the race.
2 I am benevolent to all my friends who shows me ____ back.
3 Feeling exasperated can make a person feel annoyed and with no __ to fix a problem.
5 When a B-24 exploded , many pieces of ___ were stuck in a mans leg.
7 Showing benevolence to someone can truly show who you are or what ___ you have.
8 Louie, Phil, an Mac knew that it was __ that they will be stuck in the rafts for a while until someone comes and saves them.
9 Louie and his 'superman' crew were ___ to another island for another quest.
10 Last time i felt hopeless, i couldn't ___ my ring anywhere in my room.
12 Mac felt ___ that he wouldn't make it back home to his family.
13 Feeling triumphant can make someone have more ___ in themselves and with progress in life.
14 When my sister took my brothers candy bar, i __ it was obvious that she would do that.
19 I felt fatigue when i came home from a __day at school.
20 Being fatigue can cause __ and typical results from mental or physical exertion or illness.
22 Louie was a ___ for having an amazing gift in running.
23 Being deployed is when you put something into use or ____.
24 My cousin Jonathan is in the marines and he was deployed to a camp to ___ incase of a upcoming war.
25 Being emaciated causes someone to be really thin and with lack of nutrition or by a ___.
27 I felt triumphant when i ___ honor roll on my report card.
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