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Underground Railroad Crossword Puzzle

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Underground Railroad

                      2               3  
              4 5                        
8                               9        
            15       16             17      
Across Down
4 a runaway slave
6 code name the slaves used for the Big Dipper
7 religious songs sung by slaves to lift their spirits
8 a group of seven stars that form a bowl with a handle
10 a large farm on which crops are grown
11 a person who provided shelter for runaways and directed them
12 a person who did not believe in slavery and who worked to free
13 a person who earned his living by tracking escaped slaves,
15 to free from slavery
1 a place where runaway slaves could find food and shelter
2 a blanket made from pieces of fabric sewn together
3 a person owned as the property of another person
5 a secret network of people who helped runaway slaves
9 another name for a safe house
14 the owner of a plantation was called this by his slaves
16 a war fought from 1861-1865 between the northern and southern
17 the brightest star in the northern sky
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