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US Expansion Crossword Puzzle

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US Expansion

              6                   7        
          8                       9        
12     13                                    
              16     17                      
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3 Why did the French sell Louisiana?
4 The Federalists wanted their national government to be what?
5 What large river did Pike travel that still provides us with many resources?
6 What would Jefferson gain from this expedition?
9 What did Sacagawea represent for Lewis, Clark, and the expedition?
10 To survive the expedition Lewis and Clark were able to trade with help from?
12 What was Thomas Jefferson elected to be in 1800?
14 Just like where statements are first started, the place where a river begins is called what?
16 Clark and Lewis never gave up and made a lot of accomplishments. They can be described as what?
18 What does our government use today that the federalist government in the 1800’s wanted to use to help merchants and manufacturers?
19 The people on the expedition kept journals to do what?
20 With President Thomas Jefferson’s expeditions and research what happened to the United States?
1 What did the expedition of Lewis and Clark find through the Rocky Mountains?
2 Unlike the Federalists, who did Jefferson want to help?
5 What is a person who uses machines to make goods called?
7 What French Ruler sold Louisiana?
8 Why was the port in Louisiana so important for the United States?
11 Who had control of Louisiana more than one time?
13 Like sport teams, what role do the corps play in the expedition?
15 Why do people today as well as back in the 1800’s explore for?
17 Compared to our ability to easily travel today, the expeditions and travels back then took more what?
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