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Utah History

fill in the blanks using the definitions of the words below

          1           2                   3              
                              4   5   6                  
9           10     11                                      
  14               15                                      
  18                                     19                
                  20                         21            
  22                         23       24                    
                                25           26            
    27                   28                                
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1 he vast or indefinite entirety of a space or area, or something compared to one:
9 a line where two tectonic plates meet
11 an area of scenic beauty, historical importance, or the like, owned and maintained by a national government for the use of the people.
12 the artificial application of water to land to assist in the production of crops.
15 the chief mountain system in North America, extending from central New Mexico to North Alaska.
16 any combustible organic material, as oil, coal, or natural gas, derived from the remains of former life.
18 able to be renewed
20 rock that has formed through the deposition and solidification of sediment
22 originating in and characteristic of a particular region or country; native
26 a land area having a relatively level surface considerably raised above adjoining land on at least one side, and often cut by deep canyons.
27 indigenous to or produced or made within one's own country; not foreign; native:
29 a hole or cavity made by excavating.
2 mineral or organic matter deposited by water, air, or ice.
3 a person who specializes in geologic research and study.
4 a stream that flows to a larger stream or other body of water.
5 the science dealing with the areal differentiation of the earth's surface, as shown in the character, arrangement, and interrelations over the world
6 the characteristic appearance of a broken surface, as of a mineral.
7 the process by which the surface of the earth is worn away by the action of water, glaciers, winds, waves, etc.
8 the branch of knowledge dealing with past events.
10 being without moisture; extremely dry; parched: arid land;
11 the natural wealth of a country, consisting of land, forests, mineral deposits, water, etc.
13 a circular container with a greater width than depth, becoming smaller toward the bottom, used chiefly to hold water or other liquid, especially for washing.
14 an excavation or pit, usually open to the air, from which building stone, slate, or the like, is obtained by cutting, blasting, etc.
17 a period of time marked by distinctive character, events
19 Trust lands are parcels of land managed by the Trust Lands Administration for the exclusive benefit of state institutions or beneficiaries, as designated by Congress.
21 to press together; force into less space.
23 characteristic of, pertaining to, or derived from living organisms
24 remaining; leftover.
25 the weather conditions of a region, as temperature, air pressure, humidity, precipitation, sunshine, cloudiness, and winds.
28 a specific geomorphic feature on the surface of the earth, ranging from large-scale features such as plains, plateaus, and mountains to minor features such as hills, valleys, and alluvial fans.
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