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Victorian Era Crossword Puzzle

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Victorian Era

                    1       2                
            3                   4            
    7 8                                      
                    10       11   12            
        13     14                              
Across Down
3 England had 18,000 _________________________.
5 Some writers turned away from the new ____________________; others tackled it head on.
6 Turned out goods of all kinds very quickly.
7 Viewed poetry as irrelevant to their own lives.
9 Beloved character in The Old Curiosity Shop.
12 A popular periodical during the Victorian era.
13 Crowned as a teenager and had the longest reign in English history
15 Displays of wealth included _____________ dresses, top hats, large houses, and ornate furniture
16 Wrote witty comedies
1 Described a bright 'sea of faith'
2 The middle class craved ____________ in literature and wanted to meet characters like themselves.
3 An enormous glittering glass-and-steel marvel with indoor toilets, telegraphs, etc.
4 Used by lower classes as a means of conversing.
8 England produced half the __________ in the world.
10 Wrote short stories and poems glorifying the British Empire.
11 Said he would travel to see a lock of Lord Byron's hair.
12 Abolished slavery and and passed child labor laws.
14 At the height of its power during this period.
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