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Video Game Technology

                          2         3            
          4                         5            
                  7               8              
            10                             11      
14   15                                            
              19           20     21   22            
Across Down
1 A game that helps soothe burns.
4 This company was founded in 2009.
5 You can take a picture with this.
6 This can sense certain objects.
8 This is what a video game looks like.
9 This company made the game Heavy Rain.
10 This person made SnowWorld.
13 The fear of spiders.
14 This lets you control things by speaking.
17 This is the process of using video game mechanics on a website.
19 This lets you control things by moving.
1 A game that helps people with arachnophobia.
2 This person founded QuanticDream.
3 This allows you to control something by touching a screen.
7 This is a form of videogame that requires you to put an item on your face.
11 This phone can play games, text, email, and make phone calls.
12 This allows your controllers to work without being connected to a console.
14 This form of entertainment was invented in 1958.
15 A game that helps people with anxiety.
16 This was invented as a form of transportation in 1886.
18 This is what you play games on.
19 This company made Windows Explorer.
20 This is what helps you play games.
21 This is found almost anywhere on the planet.
22 This allows you to play with other people around the world.
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