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Vietnam War

            2         3                        
      6                                 7      
                15           16                  
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4 Style of warfare where hit and run tactics were used.
6 People who refused to fight on belief.
8 Cold war warrior.
9 Became President on a plaedge to end war (then invaded and bombed major Cmbodia bases and ended war).
10 The name given to Vietnam, Cambodia, and Laos while under French control.
12 From North to South Vietnam used for transporting men and supplies.
14 Weapon used to destroy the jungle.
17 National Security Advisor for Nixon and ambassador for Paris Peace talks.
1 Non Communist leader of South Vietnam.
2 The easing of strained realations.
3 Ohio collage where 4 students were killed and 13 wounded during a peace demonstration.
4 Allowed the U.S. President to send as many troops as he felt necessary without permission from the senate.
5 The belief that if South Vietnam fell into communism other countries would follow.
7 Sudden violent overthrow of the goverment.
11 Citizens that were pro for the war.
13 Communist dictator in China backed North Vietnam in Vietnam War.
15 South Vietnamese communist guerilla fighters.
16 North Vietnamese general who was offered the Noble Peace Prize.
17 Communist leader of North Vietnam.
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