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                          I         A     T   D   H
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            G     P                               M
            M     P L A I N F O L K S A P P E A L  
            A     E                               S
            T     A P P E A L T O T R A D I T I O N
            I     L                               O
  S         S E N T I M E N T A L A P P E A L     B
  T         M     O                               A
  R             F A U L T Y C A U S A L I T Y     P
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  W       S L A N T E D L A N G U A G E           E
  M               H                               A
F A L S E D I C H O T O M Y                       L
  N               R             P   M              
                C I R C U L A R R E A S O N I N G  
                  T             O   L     O        
    S L I P P E R Y S L O P E   P   A     N        
          O     E               A   P     S        
          S     D               G   R     E        
          T     H               A   O     Q        
          H     E               N   P     U        
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          C     R               A   S     T        
                I                   M     U        
                N                         R        
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7 states that since there is no conclusive evidence available, you should accept the arguer's point of view
8 Appeal by a candidate that makes him/her seem just like everyday citizens, with the same wants/needs
10 the fallacy of assuming or arguing that something is good or desirable simply because it is old or traditional
12 use emotion to distract the audience from the facts
13 setting up a cause-and-effect relationship when none exists
14 Involves biasing the reader by using word choices that have strong positive or negative connotations.
15 pretending there are only two possibilities when really there are far more
18 uses two unproven propositions to prove each other
20 A fallacy in which a course of action is objected to on the grounds that once taken it will lead to additional actions until some undesirable consequence results.
1 This fallacy occurs when a writer builds an argument upon the assumption that there are only two choices or possible outcomes when actually there are several
2 presenting only the information that is positive to an idea or proposal and omitting information that is contrary to the idea.
3 Makes people feel as if their safety, security, or health is in danger
4 reasoning that suggests that because everyone else believes something or is doing something, then it must be valid or correct
5 a fallacy of logic in which the widespread occurrence of something is assumed to make it right or true
6 does not allow for discussion because the speaker presumes that his or her beliefs are beyond question
7 A fallacy in which a speaker or writer seeks to persuade not by giving evidence but by appealing to the respect people have for a famous person or institution
9 Persuading by making people feel as though they are one of the elite if they are using a particular product or thinking a certain way
11 Instead of attacking your opponents argument, chose a vaguely related , weaker argument and crush that instead
16 certain ideas that may involve misleading messages designed to manipulate people
17 the mistaken substitution of one word for another word that sounds similar
19 stating a conclusion that doesn't follow from the first premise(s)
21 fallacy of logic occurs when writer assumes that an incident that precedes another is the cause of the second incident
22 speaker relies on irrelevant information for his/her argument. premises of the argument are irrelevant to the conclusion.
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