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War Horse

    1             2   3     4              
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              8                         9  
            12                       13      
      15                       16            
              18                           19
Across Down
7 Who did Joey have to share a stall with on Albert's father's farm?
10 Who took care of Joey during the Army?
11 Who bought Joey for the Army?
12 What did Albert work as in the Army?
14 What type of horse was Joey?
15 What was the Sergeant's name who worked with Joey?
18 Where is the war?
21 Who was Albert going to marry after he got out of the Army?
22 What did Albert have to teach Joey in order to keep him?
23 What is the main horse's name?
24 How many white socks did Joey have?
1 In No Man's Land, what did the opposite team do to see who gets Joey?
2 Who was the opposite team?
3 How old was Albert when he met Joey?
4 What was the name of the generals horse?
5 What was the name of Joey's master?
6 What time of year did Albert come home at?
8 What year is this book based on?
9 What is the book called?
13 In the beginning, what did Joey's owner tie around his neck, damaging his skin and fur?
16 What sharp and defensive objust did Joey run into in No Man's Land?
17 What war is this book based on?
19 Before the Army, what was Albert
20 Who took Joey after the Army?
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