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Washington State History Crossword Puzzle

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Washington State History

                                  2       3
    9                   10     11         12  
  14                             15          
                            16       17      
            18   19       20                  
21   22                                      
Across Down
6 what is the states nickname?
7 what is the state flower?
8 what is the state dance?
9 what is the state capital?
13 what is the state fish?
14 what is the state vegtable?
19 what is the largets dam in washington?
21 what valcano eurted in washington?
23 what is the backround color on the state flag?
1 what is one of the citys in washington?
2 what is seattles nfl team?
3 what is the tallest mountin in washington?
4 what is the largest city in washington?
5 who was the first president?
10 what is the state motto?
11 what is the grand coulee?
12 what body of water borders seattle?
15 what brought people to seattle?
16 what is the state bird?
17 what is the state tree?
18 what is the state fruit?
20 what is washingtons insect?
22 what was the smallest city to host the worlds fair?
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