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Weather And Natural Disaster Crossword Puzzle

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Weather and Natural Disaster

            4               5                              
            10     11                                        
          15                               16     17          
                21     22   23     24   25     26                
Across Down
3 What comes out of the volcano is _ _ _ _
6 Snowfall going horizontally by strong winds
7 Another way of saying it is a tidal wave
8 A tornado shape of water spinning underwater
9 The substance that is inside a volcano
10 Storm of lighting that has caused lots of fires
13 The _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ are on the outer mantle
14 _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ means that there is no rain coming
15 Likely to get a thunderstorm happening
16 Flash of light that could cause fires
18 _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ means that there is going to be a storm
19 Meaning little girl, when a strong winds blow all the moisture and warm water from South America, it causes a _ _ _ _ _ _, which leads to more rain
20 A graph that shows what the earthquake was like
21 A _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ measures the weather from the sky
27 Meaning little boy, _ _ _ _ _ _ makes the warm water stay in the ocean and the is little wind and no moisture, which is how Australia gets their droughts has had
28 _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ means that there is no rain coming
1 Overflowing water that is cause from lots of rain or a burst dam
2 Measure how much rain is there
4 Measures the air pressure
5 When all the moisture from the soil dry up
7 How hot or cold is the day
9 People who study the weather
11 Something you can not control
12 A _ _ _ _ _ _ _ is a where lava comes out
17 Ice pellets falling from the sky
22 A violent windstorm is called a _ _ _ _ _ _ _
23 When two tectonic plates hit each other, it causes a _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
24 Large mass of snow or ice sliding down a slope
25 When masses of mud soil or rock coming down from a steep slope
26 A could that contains rain
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