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Westward Expansion Crossword Puzzle

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Westward Expansion

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15                                 16  
        19             20              
Across Down
2 One of the future states that was part of Oregon Territory
5 Many people traveled to the west in one of these
9 The mountain men forged trails from ________ _________ to the Rocky Mountains
10 Cherokee, Creek, Chickasaw, Choctaw, and Seminole
11 In the 1840's this began
13 These men trapped beavers and forged trails through the Rocky Mountains
15 This tribe was sent on the trail of tears
17 A trading route leading west
19 This trail linked the east coast to the Pacific Ocean
21 Mountain men trapped beavers for this
22 This country encouraged American settlers to move west into their territory
23 ______________ Removal Act that forced Native Americans off their land
24 This party was lost on the way to California and turned to cannibalism
1 Area west of the Mississippi that Native Americans were being sent to
3 One of the reason Cherokees died on the Trail of Tears
4 He signed the Indian Removal Act
6 The Cherokees walked 1,000 _______ to their final destination
7 The belief that Americans had the right to own the land from the east to the west
8 The land in Oregon Territory had prefect land for this job
12 This was discovered in California
14 A majority of the Cherokee land was located in this area
16 This state was where the trails west began
18 This treaty forced Native Americans to stay on their reservations
20 Mexico territories opened the settlers included: Texas, California, and ____________
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