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Westward Expansion Crossword Puzzle

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Westward Expansion

                        1         2                            
                        4   5                                  
      14           15                                            
16               17                                              
                    21       22   23     24     25   26              
  28 29   30               31                                      
                    37             38                            
Across Down
1 A Native inhabitant of China.
7 A yellow precious metal.
8 The direction toward the point of the horizon on the left.
9 A person who extrects gold, coal, and other minerals.
11 largest salt water lake in the Western Hemisphere.
12 The fact or state of being independent.
15 Mexico ceded to the U.S. in the treaty of guadalupe hidalgo.
16 Made the first blue jeans.
18 The action of becoming larger.
20 Mountain range in North America.
21 Form of mining that uses high-pressure jets of water.
27 third largest state in the U.S.
28 first miners in the californa gold rush.
32 The first millionare of he Gold Rush.
33 The right to vote.
34 Dictator of the mexican military.
35 Brought Texas into the U.S. as a constituent state.
36 A religion founded by Joseph Smith.
37 A person sent on a religious mission.
39 A person who is legal property of another, and is forced to obey.
2 Transportation route through central North America.
3 2,200-mile historic wheeled wagong route.
4 A fort build built by Thomas Mckay.
5 The elected head of state.
6 A person born in or coming from a country other than their own.
10 Federal republic in North America.
11 Southwestern Mexico that was purchased by the U.S.
13 Candidate of the whig party in 1852.
14 Discoverd gold in a californian river.
17 The Lone star republic.
19 Battle fought between Texans and Mexicans in 1836.
22 inhabitants of the U.S.
23 Texa's nickname.
24 A trapper and explorer who mostly lived in the wilderness of the North American Mountains.
25 Indigenous people of America.
26 People moved to California to find newly discoverd gold.
29 Is a state in the pacific Northwest of the U.S.
30 A person who lives somewhere permanently.
31 A port in western california near the golden gate.
37 The armed forces of a country.
38 Famous mountain men and nicknamed ''Grizzly'.
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