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Wind Ensemble

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                      4       5                            
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24           25                             26                
              28     29       30     31                        
            32             33                                
                34                   35                      
        36                   37                              
Across Down
1 The general action to take when adjusting your instrument in a cold room.
6 The highest pitched instrument in a typcial band or ensemble.
7 The term that we use to describe the slow movement of our marching show.
9 The soprano voice of a brass section.
10 This word describes what we do in the fall but can also be used to describe a type of music that we play at UIL C&S.
11 A conductor uses one of these to read all the parts to a particular piece of music.
12 Also known as an augmented 4th.
14 Get softer.
16 On a clear day, the sky is usually this color.
17 Get louder.
18 Saxophone and euphonium musicians cannot join this type of ensemble.
20 The opposite of flat.
21 The most famous term to describe a fast tempo.
22 A perfect 8th, or playing a middle concert F to the next highest concert F.
23 When played poorly with a bad reed, this instrument can sound like a kazoo.
24 In theory, if you breath together you should ___________ together.
25 Amadeus Mozart's musical genre
26 A popular musical genre of US origin in which words are recited rapidly and rhythmically over a prerecorded, typically electronic instrumental backing.
27 The abbreviated word to increase speed.
28 Focus on this as one of your primary tools to sound your best.
32 Bob Marley's musical genre
33 Also known as 4.
36 Focus on this as another one of your primary tools to sound your best.
37 The opposite of staccato.
38 To slow down.
39 '5, 6, 7, ____'
1 This word can be used to name and instrument or a dynamic.
2 The lowest pitched instrument in a typical band or ensemble.
3 The opposite of go.
4 This percussion instrument starts with an X.
5 You have to create this to produce a sound on a brass instrument.
8 You place your stand tune music inside.
10 A device used to keep the beat.
13 Contains all the shaprs and flats in music.
15 A musical line, melody, or rhythm that repeats over and over again.
16 This instrument uses a double reed and typically plays the tenor and bass line.
19 Most percussion students are told to crash these.
21 The one word that best describes The Star Bangled Banner.
29 Walking tempo.
30 A note that is not sharp or flat.
31 If the room is cold your pitch is generally ________.
34 Also known as 5.
35 Used to indciate the set of lines used for the notation of notes of different pitches.
36 The general action to take when adjusting your instrument ina warm room.
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