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Woodworking Crossword Puzzle

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            1                   2          
        4           5         6            
      7         8                          
11                 12             13          
                        16     17            
                    18             19        
Across Down
2 'soft' hammer
3 used to join rails to legs, as in our table; mortise and ___________.
6 use to clean the shop
7 the capital of South Carolina
9 the last name of our principal
11 used initially on the lathe to turn a square down to round
12 hand tool that preceded the jointer
15 danger associated with the radial arm saw
18 used to make bowls and spindles
20 machine used to make stock a uniform thickness
1 a common marsupial found in our state
2 used to crosscut finished lumber
4 machine used to straighten faces and edges of stock
5 used for crosscutting rough lumber
8 a small 18 ga. fastener shot from a pneumatic tool
10 hardwood used commonly for flooring
13 hardwood used commonly for baseball bats
14 most common danger associated with the table saw
16 makes a square hole in wood
17 the brand name of our table saw
19 joint used where two pieces intersect one another
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