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World War 1 Crossword Puzzle

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World War 1

                            4     5      
              6 7                        
                      13             14    
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2 To agree to
6 The distribution of power among nations so that no single nation can dominate or interfere with another.
8 A build up of military strength within a country
9 A feeling of intense loyalty to one's nation
10 People who share a common language and traditions
11 A person opposed to the use of war or violence to settle disputes
12 A temporary peace agreement to end fighting
15 Gathering resources and preparing for war
1 Ideas or information designed and spread to influence opinion.
3 Government in which one person has unlimited power
4 A group travels with something such as a ship, to protect it
5 To give out scarce items on a limited basis
7 Defense agreements among nations
13 Disagreement with or opposition to an opinion
14 A person who believes industries should be publicly owned and run by the government rather then by private individuals
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