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                          1   2 3                
8               9                                
                17         18       19              
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2 A political system in which the 'state' - or government - it is seen as more important than individuals.
5 A program of mass murder
8 A weapon that produces tremendous power by splitting atoms
10 A British admiral
12 A political system in which government controls every aspect of citizen's lives.
13 Became president and faced the challenge of winning the war in the Pacific
14 A policy of avoiding war with an aggressive nation by giving in to its demands
15 Became dictator of the Soviet Union in 1928.
16 Gained complete control of Italy in 1922.
17 African American pilots who trained at the Tuskegee Army Air Field in Alabama
1 Allowing the President to aid any nation believed vital to U.S. defense.
3 Became chancellor of Germany in 1933.
4 A U.S. naval fleet in Hawaii
6 On June 6, 1944, American, British, and Canadian trops invaded France
7 Hitler's National Socialist Party
9 A secret program allied scientists had been working on in 1942
11 Purposely crazing piloted planes into enemy ships
18 The extermination of an entire group of people
19 Forced relocation and imprisonment
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