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Alien Planets
fill in the crossword puzzle
a fixed luminous point in the night sky that is a large, remote incandescent body like the sun.. a system of millions or billions of stars, together with gas and dust. optical instrument designed to make distant objects appear nearer. is the galaxy that contains our Solar System. planetary motion are three scientific laws describing the motion of planets around the Sun..
All About Stars
The red giant phase is actually a prelude to a star shedding its outer layers and becoming a small, dense body called a ________.. Stars may occur in many sizes, which are classified in a range from ____ to supergiants. White dwarfs cool for billions of years, until they eventually go dark and produce no energy this point is called _____.. Stars may occur in many sizes, which are classified in a range from dwarfs to ________. primary building block of stars.
20 words relating to Astromony
the brightness of an object in space. relating to the Moon. atmospheric phenomena created by ice crystals reflecting light. a dusty, icy celestial body. horizontal lines across Earth's surface used for location.
Identify the different astronomers
most famous for his law of gravitation, was instrumental in the scientific revolution of the 17th century. he wrote a book named Cosmos. he discovered Geography. discovered the first spectroscopic binary stars. discovered 40 nebulae and 13 comets.
The distance traveled by light in one year. Groupings of stars. A dwarf planet. Super Red Giant. Hottest planet in the solar system.
any object that revolves around another object in space. a round pit on the moon's surface. the part of the shadow surrounding the darkest part. the two days of the year on which neither hemisphere is tilted toward or away from the sun. the spinning motion of a planet about its axis.
Complete the crossword puzzle
What we call our moon. Waning and Waxing are moon .... The four biggest planets in our solar system. made of rock and ice. Completing an axis.
the remaining hot core of a star after its outer layers have expanded and drifted out into space. the number of complete cycles of a wave. A graph relating the temperature and brightness of stars. an object in space that consists of a mass of hot, glowing gas that generates energy by nuclear reactions.. a large cloud of gas and dust that may be the beginning of a new star.
Very Difficult
a signal from space. stages that are caused bny the position of he moon. a low pull of gravity in the ocean. a word used to describe one full day. the whole moon is visible.
He determined the length of a year to an accuracy of six minutes.. What civilization was the first to try to explain the universe in an organized, logical manner?. What is the name of the longest (in summer) or shortest (in winter) day of the year?. Who created the geo-centric model, with a stationary Earth at the center?. What is the name of the Egyptian goddess that swallows the Sun?.
The process where the sun allows to give off energy; 'refuels the sun'. made by a collision from electrically charged partials released from the sun ;Also known as the northern lights . A part of the visible light range in the electromagnetic spectrum, so we can see it . The center or middle of a planet . A bright extending feature from the corona .
Bright gas extending from the sun; loop shape. Lots of atoms make a single bigger atom. Lights in the sky. Bright; shinning; visible . The center of the Earth.
a small, white, hot star that glows from leftover heat. the amount of energy and noise produced by an energy wave. the process of fusing atoms together under extreme heat, by smashing them into each other at extreme speeds. large clouds of gas and dust where stars are formed. characteristics include shorter wavelength, higher energy, and higher temperature.
The moon has eight of these. A large body of planets,stars.and other space bodies. The theory that suggests that the Earth is the center of the universe and that all other body revolves around it. This group contains a sun,planets,stars,and other smaller bodies. It contains everything.
Older Children
Something Saturn And Uranus both have. Gases that surround a star or planet. Might be on Mars. Second planet from the sun. Sixth planet from the sun.
ball of gases that give off a tremendous amount of electromagnetic energy. dark line. device that separates light into different colors (wavelengths). By mass the composition of the sun is 75% ________. stars vary in _____.
Use the clues to figure out what word goes where!
A great star-like celestial object that emits massive amounts of energy.. A small, icy body that heats up and leavs a trail of gas when close enough to the sun.. A body that orbits a star, is round and has a clear orbit.. A large collection of stars, most likely with a supermassive black hole in the center.. A star that has collapsed in on itself and has so much gravity that nothing can escape from it once it ha come close enough..
Older Children
Astronomy - Astronomy Lingo
The _____ comes from multiplying the speed of light by the total seconds in a year; the result is the distance light travels in a year.. _____ is the most basic property studied in astronomy.. If the object moves away from us, the lines are _____ - shifted toward the red end of the spectrum.. An object moving toward us shows lines in its spectrum that are _____, or shifted to the blue end of the spectrum.. The very largest distances are measured in units of _____, or Gpc..
Astronomy - Space Weather
If the aurora appears over the south pole, it's called the _____.. If the aurora appears over the north pole, it's called the _____.. _____ are upper atmosphere disturbances caused by solar activity.. The glow produced by the interaction between Earth's atmosphere and solar wind is called the _____.. An _____ flare is the largest and most intense type of outburst..
Older Children
Astronomy - The Solar System
Planets in the _____ solar system are giant and orbit the Sun at larger/farther distances.. Planets in the _____ solar system are smaller and orbit the Sun at closer distances.. The _____ is a region beyond the gas giants; it extends from the orbit of Neptune out to a distance of well beyond 50AU from the Sun.. The entire solar system is surrounded by a shell of frozen bits of ice and rock called the _____.. The term _____ means 'slightly flattened circles'..
Older Children
Astronomy - The Sun
Sunspots are related to solar activity, particularly in bright outbursts called _____.. Some _____ and radar detectors track the Sun's influence predict space weather events.. _____: The Solar Dynamics Observatory, which gives real-time imagery of the Sun and its outbursts and does helioseismology.. The Sun is essentially a big sphere of _____.. The Global Oscillations Network Group (GONG) focuses on sound waves moving through the Sun, a science called _____..
Astronomy - What's a Planet?
In the current definition, a _____ is defined as a celestrial body with its primary orbit around the Sun, sufficient mass for its own gravity to mold it into a round shape, and is the only body of its size in its orbit.. Early Greek sky gazers used the word _____ (wanderer) to refer to starlike objects that wandered through the sky.. _____, where icy material erupts from beneath the surface, occurs mostly on the frozen moons of the outer solar system.. In 2005, planetary scientists found _____, which is larger than Pluto.. _____ warps the surface layers on a planet or moon, driven by heat from below..
Older Children
Astronomy and Space
put each correct word in each numbered clue
a ball of superheated gases that planets revolve around. the number of constellations in the whole universe. The outer planets all have this characteristic. Jupiter has this amount of hours per day. to spin on an axis.
Older Children
Astronomy Belt Loop
Use the hints to find the astronomical terms
The leftover material when a star is at the end of its life cycle. Very dense but also very small. Glows white but is not very bright... A glowing sphere of plasma held together by its own gravity.. Orbits a star and is large enough to form a spherical shape under its own gravity. Mercury, Venus, Earth and Mars are examples.. A group of billions of stars. Andromeda is an example.. The galaxy in which we live. Contains 100-400 Billion stars..
Older Children
Older Children
Colonize the Red Planet
On Mars, the Sun-------------- about half the size as it does on Earth.. Mars has------------------- like Earth, although the ice is made up of carbon dioxide or what we call dry ice.. ------------------surface gravity is only 37% of the Earth’s, meaning you could leap nearly three times higher on Mars.. Rocks from Mars have-------------------to Earth. . Mars is home to the ---------------- mountain in the solar system..
Older Children
Find the Constellations from the discriptions.
The Fire Bird. The Winged Horse . The Greater Bear . A cat-like animal. The Ram.
Discovering Mars
3 dimensional shape. going farther than something . the layers of gasses surrounding a planet. a device to look at things far away. how far something goes.
Earth and Moon
complete the crossword by filling in the correct answers.
____ ______ happens inside the Sun. When ____ solidified, it was dark and flat. An ______ is a day when Earth’s rotation axis is leaning along Earth’s orbit,. The line on which an object rotates is the _____ _____. ______ motion of Earth causes day and night.
Earth and Space
Use the 'Earth and Space' clues to work out the crossword.
Dude in space. Enables communication on earth. Twinkle, twinkle little ______. Meeting point of astronauts. Orbiter of the sun.
Very Difficult
Earth and Space
The number of moon phases. Number of hours between a low tide and a high tide. Part of the shadow where all sunlight is blocked. Order for earth, sun, and moon for a lunar eclipse. What type of eclipse occurs during the day.
Young Kids
Earth in Space
Its about space!
The different views of the moon. Every thing orbits around the sun. Summer, autumn, winter, spring caused by the tilt of the axis. Made of ice mixed with carbon dioxide. Big balls of gas and rocks.
Earth Science Astronomy
Mason Smith 4A
Incandescent gas that extends above the photosphere.. Nuclei combine together to form a new nuclei.. Colored light produced by charged particles from the solar wind.. This makes things visible.. The center of an planet..
Find the answer to the definition or hint
The Earth and moon are in total darkness. Shadows make the Sun or Moon grow dark. . A very bright star. cone of lighter shadow. Darkest part.
Older Children
Find the word that matches the hint.
2 points where the Moon's orbit crosses the Sun's plane.. An oval shaped orbit.. A shadow that makes the Moon or Sun seem to grow dark.. A star that we orbit and shines light on us.. A cone of lighter shadow..
Older Children
Exploring Other Stars
A small, dim, hot star.. Certain specific wavelengths within a spectrum characterized by lines.. A narrow band of stars on the H-R diagram that runs diagonally from the upper left to the lower right.. The magnitude of a star that we would observe if the star were placed 32.6 light years from Earth.. A graph that compares the properties of stars..
Exploring Space
Any human-made object placed in orbit around a body in space.. All the frequencies or wavelengths of electromagnetic radiation.. A reusable spacecraft that launches with the aid of rocket boosters and liquid fuel.. A small vehicle that comes out of the lander and explores the surface of a planet or moon beyond the landing site.. A craft designed to land on the surface of a body in space..
Older Children
Far Side of the Moon
action of striking one thing against another; collision. the enclosed front section of a rocket. passage of electronic waves from a transmitter to a reciever . line where the Earth and sky meet. a self-contained unit or system within a larger system .
Older Children
type of galaxy that doe not fit into any other category.. type of galaxy we live in.. name of our galaxy.. type of galaxy that is oval or has a round shape.. galaxies are made up of _______, dust, and gas..
Older Children
Hundreds of thousands of galaxies that are bound together by gravity.. A group of stars forming a pattern named after a mythological figure or after it's apparent form.. An extremely large group of stars and planets.. A galaxy in which the stars and gas clouds are concentrated mainly in one or more spiral arms.. Space where a gravitational field is so string nothing can escape..
Older Children
Galaxies and Groups of Stars
Huge Groups of individual stars. Large Group of older stars that lack a sufficient amount of gas to form new stars. Type of galaxy that appears to be disorganized. Type of galaxy we live in. Bright center of young distant galaxies.
Older Children
A system of millions or billions of stars, together with gas and dust, held together by gravitational attraction.. The universe seen as a well- ordered whole.. Our galaxy.. A massive and extremely remote celestial object, emitting exceptionally large amounts of energy .. A region of space from which nothing, not even light, can escape..
Older Children
Gravity and Space
The measurement used for stuff inside the solar system.. The person who discovered gravity.. The space a object takes up.. The gravitational pull of an object.. The way scientists measure large distances in space..
Historical Astronomy
The distance that the light travels in one year.. A group of stars forming a pattern that is traditionally named after its apparent form or identified with a mythological figure.. The highest point reached by a celestial or other object.. A celestial body moving in an elliptical orbit around a star.. The time at which the sun crosses the celestial equator, when day and night are of equal length..
Journey Into Space
This person travels in space.. TV stations use these.. This is a place in space. People can work here.. Your English teacher with other words. :). The Earth goes round this..
Older Children
Learning the Sun
By Sam Kotech
What do young solar nebula's do?. What is the process in which two or more low-mas nuclei join together called? . How long would the sun last before shrinking completely?. What happens when small planetesimals collide with larger ones?. What is the sun not doing?.
Life Cycle of Stars
Fusion gives out ____ and heat energy. This type of star is very dense, formed after a supernova. ______ Fusion is the energy source for a star. A white ______ star is formed by the collapse of the core of a red giant. When the Sun turns into a red giant it will swallow up Mercury and _____.
Older Children
Life Cycle of Stars
a core of a star that is left behind. a large cloud of gas and dust. a very large star that is running out of fuel that is brighter and cooler than a giant. an object with gravity so strong nothing can escape it. any star that is fusing hydrogen in its core with a stable balance.
Older Children
Life in Space
Athletes and astronauts have to go through this to be good at their jobs. Astronauts live here when at work in space. The _____ on the rocket blasted out hot flames.. they ride up on the space shuttle. The rocket was _____ last week..
Older Children
Life of a Star
The blue-white hot core of a star that is left behind after its outer layers have expanded and drifted out into space.. A large cloud of gas and dust in space, spread out in an immense volume.. A star system with two stars.. A huge group of single stars, star systems, star clusters, dust, and gas bound together by gravity.. A large, round, densely-packed grouping of older stars..