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Environmental Protection
to save . someone who does a job willingly without being paid . a large mass of ice which moves slowly down a mountain valley. to keep animals or plants in order to produce babies or new plants. a type of animal or plant which does not exist anymore.
Environmental Science
: A sequence of organisms through which energy captured from sunlight by photosynthesis is transferred from one consumer to the next. The accumulation of seasonal weather patterns in an area over a long period of time.. Non-living; usually applied to the physical and chemical aspects of an organism’s environment. an animal that kills and eats other animals. An individual liable to be, or actually, consumed (killed) by a predator.
Environmental Science
All organisms of the same group or species. Species that are losing members at a rate that they will become endangered. The role of a species in its community. Electricity produced through a chemical reaction usually Hydrogen and Oxygen. The region draining into a river, river system, or other body of water.
Older Children
drpping of sediment that occurswhen an agent of erosion can no longer carry it.. farming methiod to reduse erosoin on steep slops. arable land that is worked by plowing and sowing and raising crop. methiod for redusing soil erosion. process in which surface materials are worn away.
Older Children
a cream or lotion rubbed on the skin to protect from the sun. causing great surprise. a slowly moving mass of ice. unite to form one. the gradual destruction of something due to wind water or ice.
Erosion and Deposition
laying down or settling of eroded material. large mass of ice that formed on land. layered sediment deposited by streams of water that flowed from a melting glacier. moud or ridge of unsorted sediment deposited by a glacier. removal of weathered material from one location to another.
Older Children
Erosion Deposition
evidence. water erosion. can quake. subzero. deposits of rock.
Older Children
a rapid increase or accumulation in the population of algae in freshwater or marine water systems. green plants and some other organisms use sunlight to synthesize nutrients from carbon dioxide and water. the reduction in the concentration of dissolved oxygen in water, especially as a result of pollution. the process by which a body of water becomes enriched in dissolved nutrients. habitats that support marine life.
Evergreen Tropical Rainforest
Deposits of precious metals and .......... occur underneath rainforests. . Covering less than 2 percent of the ....... total surface area, the world's rainforests are home to 50 percent of the Earth's plants and animals.. Evergreen Tropical Rainforests do not have a ...................... . An area of rainforest the size of football field is being ................ each second. . The tropical rainforests play an important role in reducing atmospheric ............ .
Exploring Our World
Sudden and violent movements of the Earth's crust. Weather patterns over an area over years. A dry and generally hot area of lland. Air polluting chemicals that combine with precipitation. Snow, sleet, hail, or rain.
Exploring the Atmosphere
convection cell in which air rises at equator and sinks at medium latitudes. narrow high speed currents of wind that occur in upper troposphere. giant, rotating tropical storms, strong winds, causes upward spiral of massive clouds. an increase in temperature with height above the Earth's surface, which is a reversal of the normal pattern.. average weather conditions over time (30 years).
Very Difficult
Extreme Weather
Another name for a 'twister'. A fire that spreads quickly and uncontrolably through an area of forest or scrub. Severe winter storm that brings lots of snow and ice. A flood that appears and travels quickly, with little warning that it's coming. When a region experiences a period of unusually high temperatures.
Older Children
Famous Volcanos
Fourth highest mountain in the world. It is located on the border of Nepal and China. In Italy, The only active volcano in mainland Europe.. Highest mountain in Europe. It is located in France.. Highest mountain in Canada and it is still growing.. The third highest mountain in the world. It is located in India..
block of rock below the fault plane. rock fractures along earth's crust. . layer of Earth that is composed of Fe & Ni and is liquid. . theory that the continents were once joined as one large, single land mass. . type of plate boundary where two plate slide past each other in opposite directions.
Flower Parts
Male reproductive structure. The part of the stamen that contains pollen. A thin stalk of the stamen. A fine dust, containing the sperm of seed-producing plants.. Contains the female germ cell.
The male part of the plant which produces the pollen. The part of the stamen where pollen is produced. . A fine powdery substance. Protected the flower when it was in bud. The sepal is often green.. The enlarged basal portion of the pistil where ovules are produced..
Older Children
.............. Parkinson from Harry Potter (It also comes in multiple bright colours). A flower with multiple petal layers. Tuols (Anagram). Helen's pig is named .............. (ltiove) Anagram. A white flower that is commonly seen around school.
Complete the crossword with the correct vocabulary words, one letter per square, both across and down, from the given definitions.
an object that is made when material is shaped into a mold.. a framework of bones.. the breakdown of rock by wind, rain, or water; how the Grand Canyon was formed.. material that settles at the bottom of the oceans, lakes, or rivers.. ancient extinct elephants; they lived in the Ice Age..
Fossil Record
Organs in a body which no longer serve a function.. In a habitat there are multiple bugs. Age of Reptiles and the Age of Conifers.. A study of the structure or internal workings of something.. An early stage of development of a multicellular organism.
fossil formed when plant, animal or other organism dies. person who studies fossils. outer support skeleton. lack a backbone. mark left by an organ.
a solid copy of the shape of an organism. fossils in which minerals replace all of, or part, an organism. an organism that no longer exists and will never again live on Earth. provide evidence of the activities of ancient organisms. the change in living things over time.
Fossils and Volcanoes
made up of rock fragments less than 2 mm in diameter. fossils of organisms that were common, lived in many areas and existed only during specific spans of time. magma that has reached Earth's surface. a rapid downhill movement of rock and soil. fossils that are the actual bodies or body parts of organisms .
Fresh Water
A stream or smaller river that feeds into a main river.. The addition of any substance that has a negative effect on water or the living things that depend on water. Any form of water that falls from clouds and reaches Earth's surface.. The process of supplying water to areas of land to make them suitable for growing crops.. Water moves from bodies of water, land and living things on Earth's surface to the atmosphere and back to the the Earth's surface..
Read the questions and fill in the blanks that correspond to the question with the answer.
What is responsible for the flavors of roquefort and camembert cheeses?. How does Fungi get its energy?. What is usually the visible portion of a mushroom?. What allows fungi to digest their food?. What do fungi reproduce asexually through?.
Hawaii is a place they can errupt but hardly often at all. Always the colour of grass. weather conditions. Smaller than the solar system but bigger than a country . Homophone for sight.
Older Children
Shows direction on the map.. Describes where a place is (absolute and relative).. The ocean located on the west coast of the United States.. Imaginary lines that run north and south and divide the globe into the Western and Eastern hemisphere.. The mountain range located on the Eastern side of the United States..
Geography Physical and Human
Materials used to make products.. Resources that are limited and cannot be replaced.. The average condition of the atmosphere over a long period of time.. The beginning of spring and autumn.. A community of plants and animals and their habitat..
Geologic History of Earth
a fossil that forms when the impression of an organism fills with sediments. pangaea breaks up, dinosaurs abundant. and ancient birds found. the most common fossils in rocks of the last 500 million years. measuring the amount of a radioactive isotope and decay. a series of dinosaur footprints in rock .
Name of the process where a glacier drops the material it is carrying. Area of the UK that used to be covered in glaciers. Moving river of ice. In this zone the glacier is melting. Water getting into cracksof rocks, expanding and eventually splitting the rock .
Complete the crossword
The build up of material that was moved by ice . An example of a cirque in Ireland . A mass of ice that moves and shapes the landscape . This is compressed to form ice in the hollow . An example of a cirque in Scotland .
Find the correct word from you book for each hint.
dump. a long lake. boulders transported by ice. has a shape like an armchair. this can be v shaped.
Global Warming
An efficient way to produce ethanol from the woody cellulose part of plants but this is still under economical development. . Another biomass fuel besides ethanol and methanol that is produced by fats or oils like soybeans that are widely available in Europe. . Liquid fuels such as methanol or ethanol that are produced from fast growing plants.. Produced from corn in the USA and sugar cane in Brazil. . Engineering solutions to global warming. .
Global Warming
Find a synonyme or give an example
to switch off. a situation in which an area is covered with water. to expose to harm or danger. a lack. CO2 is an example of ________ gas.
Grassland Ecosystem
Complete the crossword below!! :)
The weather conditions prevailing in an area in general . A biological community of interacting organisms and their physical environment. A feature belonging typically to a person, place, or thing and serving to identify it or them. Non-living physical and chemical elements of an environment . It has a single stem or trunk growing to a considerable height with branches.
overall temperatureand precipitation. _________ used to roam the North American grasslands.. vegetation grows during the_________.. ____________ used to be seen as a treeless wasteland.. their are few ________ in the grasslands..
Older Children
Great Barrier Reef
complete puzzle
in a animated film. living thing. a big grey animal . its a type of snake . hot and cold .
Older Children
Capacity of soil to hold water. Groundwater under pressure, confined by impermeable layers. Water going back into the aquifer. Lowering of the water table near a well . How fast water flows through the soil.
Habitats and Communities
Read the clues below and fill in the correct answers
the part of the plant that carries water and nutrients from the roots to the leaves. something humans do to harm the enivronment. the part of the plant where they turn sunlight into food energy. the underground part of the plant that absorbs water and minerals from the soil. something found in nature and can be used by people.
History Of Earth
Magma cools and hardens into a mass of igneous rock.. Lava that hardens on the surface.. Thickness of material.. the time taken for the radioactivity of a specified isotope to fall to half its original value.. A gap in the geologic record..
Older Children
Hot Deserts
Desert landscapes are formed through this process. Lines on which deserts are found. An effect on easterly trade winds. The location where deserts are found on continents. The desert found in Northern India and Pakistan.
How Do Plants Produce Food
a living thing such as a plant that makes its own food. an animal that eats plants other animals or both. the loss of water from a leaf through the stomata. The process in which plants make food by using water from the soil carbon dioxide from the air and energy from sunlight. a green pigment that allows a plant to absorb the suns light energy.
How Ecosystems Change
Read the clue closely, and use the word bank to complete the following crossword.
group of organisms of different species that develops by the end of ecological succession. causes primary succession by melting. organism made up of a fungus and an algae that is a pioneer species. human activity that involves clearing trees and leads to secondary succession. species that appear after bacteria, lichen, and moss during ecological succession.
How Soil Forms
soil that is made up of about equal parts of clay, sand, and silt. measures acidity. solid layer of rock beneath the soil. decayed organic material. consists of clay and other particles of rock, but little humus.
Older Children
Use the hints to fill out the crossword puzzle.
A line leading to a place or point.. Getting back to normal.. Withdrawal from an unsafe place for protection.. Effect of earth's rotation on the movement of air masses.. Hurricane conditions are a potential threat to coastal areas or islands..
Hydraulic Cycle
the end of river were it meets the sea. when water goes into the through the ground.. When big boulders roll on the river bed.. what is the first stage of a river. when the sun heats up sea this is _______..
continuous process by which water moves from the Earth's surface to the atmosphere. a large stream of moving water that flows on the ocean floor. the process that changes water to a gas. the process that changes the state of water by turning it form water to a gas. the process in which plants absorb water through their roots.
water thats under ground that can be used for wells. the process in which rain, hail,or snow falls from the sky. continuous process by which water moves from the Earth's surface to the atmosphere. a large stream of moving water that flows on the ocean floor. the process that changes water to a gas.
Older Children
Identifying Minerals
A raw iron.. Scientists who inventory and monitor the Earth's fresh water.. Structure used to honor important people and events.. Study mineral formations.. Regular, flat surfaces on broken minerals..
Very Difficult
Improving Communication Climates
Doesn’t acknowledge the other person’s message.. To describe those that show a lack of regard.. A disconfirming response with more than one meaning, leaving the other party unsure of of the responder’s position. Accepting another’s feelings and putting yourself in another’s place. Messages that convey valuing..
Inside the Earth
Use the hints to help solve the crossword puzzle
the central part of Earth. the strong lower part of the mantle. the solid outer layer of earth that consists of the crust. the soft layer of the mantle. the thin and solid outermost layer of Earth.
Older Children