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Health Crosswords

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A Good Night's Sleep is Important! If you choose to wear these, make sure they are soft and comfortable so you don't feel restricted.. Do as much as you can to make yourself feel this way before you get into bed. . We need this for all functions of daily life.. You need one to cover you but make sure it is not too heavy or too light otherwise you will be uncomfortable.. Eat this as early in the evening as possible; a full tummy right on bedtime can make for a poor night's sleep.. Older Children
Medical Terminology extremities. rub, friction. binding, fixation. head. suture, suturing. Hard
The Cell Spindle fibers attach to centromeres, Chromosomes align in the middle.. The process in which the cell releases materials to the outside by discharging them as membrane-bounded vesicles passing through the cell membrane.. Fluid-filled, membrane-surrounded cavities inside a cell.. Consists of loosely coiled fibers of protein and DNA.. Chromosomes divide, spindle fibers shorten and pull the sister chromatids toward the centrioles.. Big
A Healthful Diet not having enough water. suggested amount of food. guide to healthful eating. give off a salty fluid. substances in food. Easy
Abstinence Find and Circle Words when you get sick you must go see the. you must not do these. the most painful pain for a lot of women. not a female. you must purchase this to fish. Big
Activities Good For Our Memory Games that are good for developing cognitive skills usually played in PCs or consoles. A game in which you have to recreate an image by putting together some pieces. That thing in our brain that makes us remember things. Something you make to remember what you have to buy in the supermarket. An strategy game, played by two people, in a black and white board. Easy
Adrenal Cortex Disorders primary adrenal cortical insufficiency. most widely used screening tool for Cushing disease. principal mineralocorticoid. acute adrenal crisis. main glucocorticoid. Hard
Advances in Genetics Has exactly the same genes as the organism fro which it was produced. all the DNA in one cell. Crossing two individuals that have similar charcteristics. Cross two genetically different individuals. Doctors may be able to treat ___________ through gene therapy. Hard
Alcoholism A decline of reasoning, memory and other mental abilities. The condition in which the number of red blood cells in the blood is low. Driving under influence. A variety of symptoms that occur after the use of alcohols is reduced or stopped. Delirium tremens. Hard
All About the Flu Solve Each Answer Flu __ usally starts in Octobler and ends in May.. You should get vaccinated for the flu every __.. The flu __ is available as a shot or nasal-spray.. __ means easily spread.. Everyone __ months and older should get a flu vaccine.. Older Children
Allergies Allergies can not be ______.. Nearly half of all the _________ in the United States develop allergies.. An allergy starts when the ______ system mistakes a normally harmless substance for a dangerous invader.. If you have a severe allergy, your doctor may give you an emergency ___________ shot to carry with you at all times.. an oversensitivy to one or more common substances. Teenage
Angelman Syndrome birthplace of Harry Angelman. lack of movement of muscle coordination. main symptom of angelman. chromosome that is deleted during angelman. mutation where there is removal of a nitrogen base. Hard
Antibiotic Resistant Bacteria a group of organisms of the same species, having distinctive characteristics but not usually considered a separate breed or variety. the observation and measurement of wavelengths of light or other electromagnetic radiation. group whose members have one or more similar characteristics . to excavate, extract. a pure substance composed of two or more elements whose composition is constant. Big
Anxiety medium amounts of arousal and anxiety an individual experiences causes one to perform higher.. (theory) the more arousal and anxiety an individual experiences the higher their peformance. anxiety in a specific time bound. type of anxiety which goes on in your mind. sport competition anxiety test. Hard
Anxiety Disorder A disorder where a person is always stressing. Mouth that is not wet or moist . A disorder where the person does something over and over again . Long events of chest pain, choking, or terror . Having trouble breathing . Hard
Asthma Muscle that pulls lungs downward. This system gets rid of bad gases. Listen for wheezing with this. Medicine that decreases lung constriction. Used to measure the amount of air in the lungs. Adult
Asthma A substance produced by the medulla of the adrenal gland, adrenaline is synonymous with epinephrine.. A substance that is foreign to the body and can cause an allergic reaction in certain people.. A gas which is the byproduct of cellular metabolism and which collects in the tissues. The large air tubes leading from the trachea to the lungs that convey air to and from the lungs.. The process of respiration.. Older Children
Asthma the greek word of the asthma verb means to_____. one of the most common triggers of asthma. a machine to help breathe better. this transforms the liquid into mist to help open air ways.. many cases of asthma are linked with______. _______ can occur when a severe case of asthma goes untreated.. Older Children
Asthma Management What medication (generic) may be given to a patient with acute asthma symptoms and/or exacerbations?. A patient is taking Pulmicort 180 mcg daily. What strength ICS is this considered?. This class of medications may also be used in the management of acute asthma symptoms however, it is not FDA approved for asthma and children under 12.. Controlling ___ conditions (such as GERD, obesity, rhinitis/sinusitis, OSA, etc.) is an important key factor when managing chronic asthma.. Daily management such as environmental control and how to recognize and manage inadequate asthma control such as signs and symptoms are all part of the asthma.... Hard
Autism Children with ASD excel at putting ________ together and building blocks. . People diagnosed with Asperger Syndrome experience feelings of _________.. Cold and unresponsive mothers. Neurological mixing of the senses. . Asperger Syndrome often exhibit numerous ______ language behaviors.. Hard
Autism Wide range of developmental disorders.. Affects information processing in the___. . First appears during___. . Fine and ___motor skills. . Impaired social___. . Older Children
Autism the man who discovered aspergers synderom. stands for autism spectrum disorder. autism symbol. a after school program for kids with autism to help them. opposite of the same,autism kids are.... Hard
Autism neurological mixing of the senses . words unique to the individual . there is some evidence to suggest ASD is caused by this and genetic mutations . symptoms of ASD must be present in this. this word means to escape from reality . Big
Autism Spectrum Disorders A spectrum of diverse individuals who have a complicated condition that can include problems with how they communicate or how they behave.. Families must _____ to the needs of their child with Autism.. Child shows no intellectual disability, but may have trouble with communication.. There is no _____ of having Autism.. An acronym for Autism Spectrum Disorders.. Big
Bacteria When bacteria appear purple on a gram-stain, they are gram ____. Spiral shaped bacteria. Found in the cell wall of bacteria, determines if they are gram + or -. Rod shaped bacteria. What bacteria produce that makes causes the disease/symtoms. Big
Bacteria and Virus When an organism uses sunlight to make sugars. Method of reproduction in which 2 prokayotes exchange genetic material. Cell with a membrane surrounding the nucleus. Long single hair like apendage used by bacteria for movement. Domain of prokayotes with a cell wall. Teenage
Bacteria and Virus Cells walls contain peptidoglycan . Help bacteria attach itself to surfaces . Used to measure viruses. A virus need this to provide it with a source of energy . A long-whip like structure that helps the cell to move. Big
Bacteria and Viruses monerans that feed on dead organic matter or on living things. a preparation of dead or weakened bacteria or viruses that produces immunity to a disease. a substance produced by microbes or fungi that can destroy bacteria or stop their growth. monerans that contain chlorophyll. any of mostly one-celled organisms in which the cell does not have a nucleus. Teenage
Bacteria and Viruses cannot utilize oxygen. lethal disease that begins with a small puncture wound; caused by C tetani. the type of fever cause by Yellow Fever also known as black or bloody vomit. small RNS virus; most common source of human disease; three common genres. childhood disease caused by Corynebacterium diptheriae. Big
Bacteria and Viruses look at the down and across they have hints under it find out what is the word put it in that number. prokaryotes, in the genetics material in their cells is not contained in a nucleus.. chemical factories where proteins are produced.. an organism that provides a source of energy for a virus or another organism.. Is substance introduced in the body to help produce chemicals that destroy specific viruses.. A long whiplike structure that helps a cell to move.. Big
Bacteria, Viruses and Antibiotics Follwo the clues below and fill in the appropraite spaces Using too many hand sanitizers can help create ______-bugs.. Bacteria are essential to all ________.. What do antibiotics fight against, or kill?. Antibiotics are often used in _____ form.. Don't use antibiotics unless you are very, very _____.. Teenage
Bacterial Meningitis For a definitive diagnosis of meningitis, you'll need a _____ to collect cerebrospinal fluid. The ____is a delicate organ, to protect it the blood-brain barrier is used to limit the diffusion of substances from the bloodstream into brain tissue.. Skipping vaccinations, age and pregnancy are ______.. An inflammation of the membranes (meninges) surrounding your brain and spinal cord. Most cases of meningitis in the U.S. are caused by a ______ infection.. Big
Baseball Injuries Muscles tearing due to being overstretched. Group of muscles used to stabelize the shoulder. Joint connecting the forearm and bicept. A break in the bone causing pain and swelling. Injury to the brain due to shaking or a blow to the head. Big
Basic First Aid Only call 999 in a true ___________ , never as a joke.. To prevent sunburn, you should wear _____________ , protective clothing, and a hat. A cut or scrape may be ________ if it is getting more red, painful, warm, swollen, or has green, yellow or creamy drainage. An antiseptic (or antibiotic) cream or spray helps prevent ____________ from causing an infection in a cut or scrape. . Apply a _________ cloth or ________ water to a burn, and do not pop any blisters that form. Big
Beauty Care Assistance,relief . Bundle. Liquid make-up. Put into use. Realistic, useful. Big
Benefits of Exercise! This provides you with feelings of well being after exercise. A person should perform 15-20 repetitions to improve muscle __?. You can generate more force with this type of contraction. How long should you warm up before performing strengthening exercises? (Write out the number). Lack of exercise can do this to muscle?. Big
BioPsych Fill in words that best fit the blanks Motion blindness is _______ related. Higher peak _______ was measured in athletes compared to non-athletes. CIPA: Congenital Insensitivity to Pain with ___________. Inability to recognize objects despite otherwise satisfactory vision: Visual _______. Ratio of rods:cones converging in the optic nerve is about _______ : one. Teenage
Bipolar Disorder symptoms may include sadness, anxiety, irritability, loss of energy, uncontrollable crying, change in appetite causing weight loss or gain, increased need for sleep, difficulty making decisions, and thoughts of death or suicide. nonstop physical activity, can go days without eating or sleeping. signs of lithium toxicity coarse hand tremors, mental confusion and muscle hyperirritability. signs of lithium toxicity nausea vomiting, diarrhea, thirst, slurred speech, lethargy. symptoms may include excessive happiness, excitement, irritability, restlessness, increased energy, less need for sleep, racing thoughts, high sex drive, and a tendency to make grand and unattainable plans.. Hard
Black Death How many people died in every 3. how the pneumonic plague spread. symptom of day one. Symptom of day two. the method of transport which carried the rats to Europe. Teenage
Blood Administration important antigen associated with blood transfusion. Most frequent complication from transfusion reaction. What is the only acceptable fluid to transfuse blood with. how many hours is blood tubing good for. What needs to be done Q15, then Q1hr. Big
Bone Cancer What do they use to treat spinal tumors that have metastasized and cause fractures?. Bone cancer caused by another cancer is known as _________ cancer.. the application of extreme cold to destroy abnormal or diseased tissue. . Prostate, kidney, lung, thyroid and breast cancer are known as this type of cancer.. The nurse's most important role in taking care of a bone cancer patient is to be an active __________.. Hard
Bone Tumors Benign, fluid-containing lesion, usually occurring in the metaphysis of a long bone. Benign bone lesion with a nidus of less than 2 centimeter surrounded by a zone of reactive bone. Formed from cancer cells spreading to the bones from their original site. Solitary, sharply demarcated areas of dense compact bone . Blood-filled lesions caused by arteriovenous malformations or vascular injury. Hard
Botulism a diluted form of the botulinum toxin used cosmetically and medically. the home-canned food that caused the 1977 botulism outbreak in Michigan. boiling food for ___ minutes can destroy the toxin. botulism is often caused by improperly ___ food. Clostridium botulinum is found in dirt and ___. Hard
Braces A tool used to clean and remove food from braces, that looks like a miniature christmas tree. A type of dentistry dealing with the prevention and correction of irregular teeth, and often use the treatment of braces.. A b _ _ _ k_ _ is a groved piece attached to to a band or a tooth that holds the main wire. The opposite of cheap . A ring of metal that surrounds the back teeth, with a tube or bracket attached. Starting with m, and ending with d. Hard
Brain Health __________ interaction helps to maintain brain vitality.. Foods that are high in _________ are considered protective foods.. Cold water ______ contain beneficial omega-3 fatty acids.. ________ your intake of protective foods.. Lifelong __________ can increase brain health.. Moderately Challenging
Breast Cancer Surgery to rebuild your breast.. An expert in genetics who helps you understand if you have a genetic condition, or may be at risk for one. . The removal for diagnostic study of a piece of tissue from a living body.. Genetic mutations that put you at risk of cancer.. A doctor who has special training in identifying diseases by studying cell and tissue under a microscope.. Hard
Breast Cancer Week Information. Food. Duvet. Princess. Unberella. Big
Breastfeeding _________ feeding can prevent engorgement.. _________ makes milk.. Correct latch makes ____ flow better. . Breastfeeding decreases baby’s risk of readmission to hospital related to respiratory and gastrointestinal _____________. . _____________ is a learning experience for mom and baby. . Teenage
Bronchiolitis What can anyone do to prevent the spread of respiratory viruses?. Symptom found in an emergency situation that causes a bluish discoloration of the skin?. Medication that will not work against fighting viral bronchiolitis?. First symptom of bronchiolitis are usually the same as?. Common symptom meaning rapid breathing?. Older Children
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