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Health Crossword Subjects

Health Crosswords

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Lyme Disease All tick borne diseases are emerging in this province . Name of emerging drug treatment . Lyme disease's portal of exit . Tick type that transmits Lyme disease along the Pacific coast. The manner in which medications are administer in severe cases of Lyme disease. Big
Lymphatic System are small masses of tissue that can be found throughout the body. contains lots of long, winding, narrow blood vessels full of hair-pin turns that circulating red blood cells have to make. an organ in front of the heart in the rib cage in which T lymphocytes mature and multiply. The main vessel of the lymphatic system, passing upward in front of the spine and draining into the left innominate vein near the base. Animal we're learning about today. Hard
Making Good Decisions Teenage Health A person who can give resourceful advice. The result of a decision or an action you take. Honestly and respectfully defending your feelings and beliefs. One of several choices that you can make. Beliefs that are important to you. Teenage
Making Good Decisions A prize you give yourself for accomplishing a task. One of several choices that you can make. Solving crossword puzzles might be considered one of these. Beliefs that are important to you. Honestly and respectfully defending your feelings and beliefs. Teenage
Making Healthful Food Choices Teens should get at least this many minutes of phsyical activity daily. . Estimated to meet the needs of half the healthy people in a group. A comparison of the amounts of nutrients a food supplies with the number of calories the food supplies. . When preparing meals you should start with this. . Foods that have undergone some preparation procedure, such as canning, freezing, drying, cooking, or fortification. Older Children
Malaria To pass on . Controls most chemical levels in the blood and expels a product called biles which prepares food for digestion. A moderate but unpleasant coldness. The process of developing from a child into an adult. Breed of mosquito thats very common in warmer countries that transmits malaria to humans. Hard
Malaria the plasmodium does what to move from gut to salivary glands. the infective stage . name of the parasite . female mosquitos . from one organism to another. Big
Malignant Hyperthermia A test that can be used on the patient to see if malignant hyperthermia is present. . One drug that can be used for treating malignant hyperthermia. . What color is the urine when malignant hyperthermia is present? . Another possible complication from malignant hyperthermia. . Malignant hyperthermia is often discovered after receiving what before surgery? . Hard
Malignant Tumors Malignant tumor of bone forming tissue. Overproduction of abnormal white blood cells circulating in the blood. Malignant tumor of squamous epithelium. Malignant skin tumor associated with excessive exposure to the sun . This leukemia is most frequently occurs in middle-aged adults. Hard
Managing Stress showing sorrow or grief. the abilit to bounce back from adversity. type of stressor like an illness or a disability. the stage of grief with closure. type of stressor that involves the way you think. Big
Massage Therapy Massage helps to reduce blood pressure and _______________. Helps to reduce anxiety and ______________. The first of the four common types of massage. In Study #1 they measures these levels from a patient sample to monitor patient's stress. Questionnaire measuring current strain. Adult
Measles Fun Fact Measles is classified under what family?. MMR is an example of what kind of vaccine?. What is the only natural host of the virus?. Measles can spread through _________ when an infected person sneezes. . Children should receive their first dose of MMR Vaccine at what month?. Big
Measles Fun Fact MMR is an example of what kind of vaccine?. What is the only natural host of the virus?. Measles can spread through _________ when an infected person sneezes. . Measles symptoms appear ___ days after contact with the virus?. Children should receive their first dose of MMR Vaccine at what month?. Big
Med Terms Do Puzzle about Sports Med head tumors made of bone. study of the structure of muscles. condition of the skin in which it becomes red, swollen, and sore.. Inflammation of the lining of the stomach. study of disease. Hard
Medical heredity and DNA. when the cell wilts. two monosaccharides bonded together. different feeders. basic unit of life. Hard
Medical Abbreviations usual childhood diseases. Immediately, with no delay. past medical history. family history. non-ST elevation MI (myocardial Infarction). Hard
Medical Ethics standards of behavior, developed as a result of one's concept of right and wrong. the ability to think analytically, using fewer emotions and more rationality. the capacity to be one's on person. all practitioners have a specific scope of practice, from which they are licensed, certified, or registered, and from which the law says they may not deviate. focuses on the traits, characteristics, and virtues that a moral person should have. Teenage
Medical Records _____ history includes both previous & recent history info.. V_PR is the foundation of interactions amoung vets & their clients.. ____ log contains patient & owner name, patient weight, start & end times, number of intubation attemps. _____ medical records is for business and legal records.. ____ forms writen understanding between vet practice and owner.. Big
Medical Terminology process of cutting out. pertaining to white cells. the uterus is abnormality tilted backward. tiny ball of capillaries. thin, delicate inner membrances of the meninges. Adult
Medical Terms dull continuous pain. porous condition of the bone. pertaining to the heart. elevated lipid level in the blood. no known allergies. Hard
medication should be taken with food. side effect of risperdal. analgesic. side effect of some antibiotics. abbreviation for common antibiotic. Hard
Medication a drug having a soothing, calming, relaxng or tranquilizing effect. drug, such as cortisone or ibuprofen, reduces swelling. 'I haven't gone to the toilet in two days, I am definatly ____________'. 'I have a terrible headache. I am need to take a __________ and get some rest.'. a soluble case of gelatine enclosing a dose of medicine. Hard
Medications used to treat schizophrenia and symptoms of bipolar disorder . used to treat depression also be used for relief of anxiety disorders and sleeplessness . used to treating agitation caused by schizophrenia or bipolar disorder. It is used to treat bipolar disorder. used to control certain types of seizures and for the treatment of panic disorders.. Hard
Melanoma Study of skin and related issues.. The American Academy of Dermatology urges everyone to examine their ________ regularly.. When detected in its earliest stages, melanoma is highly ________.. What rule should you follow for early warning signs of Melanoma when looking at a mole?. One half does not match the other half.. Hard
Meningitis most popular test from meningitis. vaccine HIB is to prevent. is key in bacterial meningitis. bacterial meningitis is an _____________.. bacterial meningitis is treated with . Hard
Meningitis most popular test from meningitis . bacterial meningitis is an _____________. . bacterial meningitis is treated with . best prevention for spreading of meningitis . vaccine HIB is to prevent . Hard
Meningitis A symptom of Bacterial Meningitis. Name the country where Meningitis originated from. The scientific name of Bacterial Meningitis . This disease affects mostly young kids . A symptom of Meningitis. Hard
Mental Health Fill in the crossword with mental health related terminology according to the hints given. a brain disorder marked by an ongoing pattern of inattention and or hyperactivity-impulsivity that interferes with functioning or development.. characterized by alterations in thinking, mood or behaviour associated with significant distress and impaired functioning.. persistent feelings of sadness and worthlessness and a lack of desire to engage in formerly pleasurable activities.. an eating disorder characterized by refusal to eat an adequate amount of food.. excitement of psychotic proportions manifested by mental and physical hyperactivity, disorganization of behavior, and elevation of mood.. Hard
Mental Health When one feels overly sad . A positive feeling . Auditory, visual, or tactile . Lack of pleasure . A balance in all aspects of your life. Big
Mental Illness physician who specializes in organic disorders of the brain and nervous system. a set of unique traits and behavior patterns. prolonged feelings of sadness, hopelessness. occur within a short amount of time and involve several people in the same school or community. an irrational fear of gaining weight leads to self-imposed starvation. Hard
Metabolism Doesn't need oxygen.. The inside of Mitochondrion.. Fluid inside the Chloroplast. . Two units of energy and the estimated amount of energy needed to raise the temperature of one gram of water by one degree celsius. . Chemical compound that reflect wavelengths of visible light (color). Hard
Methods of Training How well your muscles work, how strong you are and how much power you have. . Type of training where a person must keep their exercise going for a certain amount of time. Training that uses weight for muscles to push against. A type of training that has stations for different exercises. Training method that is also known as 'speed play'. Older Children
Microbiology Diseases of the Respiratory System Are abrupt, major changes in viruses.. Infection occurs from from inhalation of airborne conidia . Upper Respiratory Bacterial Diseases . Develops into general malaise and swelling on the neck. cause about 50% of all colds. Hard
Midwifery fluid that surround the baby. these are painful. we would like this to come first. cut after delivery. this needs to dilate 10 cms. Adult
Mindfulness Crossword related to the term 'Mindfulness'. not feeling nervousness, anger or other strong emotions. an act of concentrating interest or activity on something. the practice of meditating. an aim or plan. the quality or state of being conscious or aware of something. Big
Minimizing of Restraining A PASD is a device used to ______________ a resident with routine activities of daily living.. Any device that is used to restrain a resident to a tiolet or commode is __________. . The restraint assessment form is completed by the ___________ _____________. . Once the restraint is applied the resident must be checked every__________. . It restricts the resident's mobility. . Teenage
Mood Disorder Complete the crossword below a natural instinctive state of mind deriving from one's circumstances, mood, or relationships with others.. a complex system of nerves and networks in the brain, involving several areas near the edge of the cortex concerned with instinct and mood. It controls the basic emotions. a mild form of mania, marked by elation and hyperactivity.. a mood disorder that causes a persistent feeling of sadness and loss of interest. . treatment intended to relieve or heal a disorder.. Big
Multiple Sclerosis cell that attacks the neuron. gender more likely to get MS . how many different types of MS are there . procedure that can check the CSF. type of disease . Adult
Muscular System Crossword uncontrolled contractions. fusion of many rapid nerve impulses into one smooth contraction. translucent membrane over meat. paralyses face. when body has enough oxygen to produce a good supply of ATP. Hard
Musculoskeletal Complication of prolonged immobility. Contusion injury occuring over time. Developmental task for toddlers. Intervention to help relieve cast constriction. Intervention to prevent multiple system complications in immobile patients. Big
Myoglobin four bases of DNA structure, also a brilliant spoof of YMCA.. Any protein with an approximately rounded shape. Such proteins are contrasted with highly elongated, fibrous proteins such as collagen.. provides oxygen and nutrition to the whole body.. these type of animals have a high abbundance of myoglobin.. protein that gives red blood cells their colour.. Hard
Nail Disorders severe inflammation of the nail in which a lump of re tissue grows up from nail bed.. fungal infection of the natural nail plate.. red itchy patches of skin on the bottom of feet and/or between the toes.. bacterial inflammation of the tissues around the nail plate, causing pus,swelling and redness.. inflammation of the matrix and shedding of the nail.. Hard
Narcolepsy proteins that signal the immune system to work, study in Switzerland (2010) showed them attacking parts of the brain producing hypocretin. common sleep disorder making it hard to fall asleep and stay asleep. protein produced by hypothalamus that controls sleep-wake cycles. type of disorder caused by another underlying condition. temporary muscle weakness or loss of control triggered by strong emotions. Hard
Noncummunicable Diseases Also know as hypertension, blood pressure is higher than average.. Chemicals in the body that cause allergic reactions.. Blood flow to the head is cut off.. Conditions marked by pain and swelling in the joints.. A condition where the blood flow to the heart is blocked.. Adult
Nuclear Medicine Brief Relaxation. Follows QRS complex. Benign bone tumour derived from cartilage cells. Uptake via facilitated diffusion into cells of high glycolytic activity. Neuroendocrine cells contain this neuropeptide. Lymph node inflammation. Hard
NURSING EPIDEMIOLOGY Prevalence of a disease within an area.. Worlwide epidemic.. A person or an animal that shows no symptoms of a disease but harbors the infectious agent of that disease and is capable of transmitting it to others.. The study of spread and control of diseases.. A specific causative agent (as a bacterium or virus) of disease. . Adult
Nursing Terms Inserted on most patients scheduled for atrial fibrillation due to high volume of fluid administration and length of procedure . Coronary Artery Bypass Grafting. Activity restriction after cath. Volumetric fraction of blood pumped out of the ventricle with each heart beat . P in PCI. Very Difficult
Nursing Tips Related to the heart. Dead Area. Blood thinner. Black tissue. Prefix meaning many. Big
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