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Science Crosswords

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Ecology What is the process by which one organism hunts and kills another organism for food?. What is the level of nourishment in a food chain?. What is a consumer that feeds on only one type of organism called?. An ______ includes all living and non-living things. . A non-living factor in an ecosystem is called _____.. Big
Ecology level of nourishment in a food chain. Consumers. __________ consists of living things and non living things. non living factors. consumer that eat only one type of organism. Hard
Ecology Any living part of the environment with which an organism might interact.. All organisms that live in a place, together with their physical environment.. The scientific study of interactions among organisms and between organisms and their environments. . A group of different populations that live together in a defined area. . A group of ecosystems that share similar climates and typical organisms.. Older Children
Ecology Match up the Definitions with the meaning The different types of diversity in an environment. An organism that decomposes the dead material in an ecosystem. The same species in one ecosystem. An organism that produces food for other animals. An organism's purpose in an ecosystem. Hard
Economics consists of growth, expansion, peak and recession. used as a store of value and a medium of exchange. one who makes goods using the factors of production. goods and services sent out to other countries. goods and services brought into a country from other countries. Big
Economics Income earned through private means. Disposable income plus a set of benefits through indirect government benefits. Includes people who are not in a paid job, but are actively looking for one. A market which has a small number of sellers and producers. Comprises of people employed and unemployed. Very Difficult
Ecosystem what is the natural enviornment which a living thing gets all it need to live? . what is an animal that other animals hunt and eat called?. what is it called when you eat both plants animals?. what is a group of living things that are closely related that they can breed with one other called?. what is the process of formation of growth called?. Hard
Ecosystem living and non-living things that interact in an environment. an animal that eats prey. meat eaters. eat only producers. consumers that are eaten by predators. Older Children
Ecosystem a living thing, such as a plant that can make its own food. a series of organisms that depend on one another for food. the average weather over a long time. a group of living things and the environment they live in. a body part of behavior that helps an animal meets its needs in its environment. Hard
Ecosystem Vocabulary consumers that get their energy from detritus. sum of all organisms living within its boundaries and all the abiotic factors with which they interact. element that must be added for production to increase. carnivores that eat herbivores. percentage of energy stored in assimilated food that is not used for respiration. Hard
Ecosystems The place where an organism lives. Feed on waste material or dead organisms e.g. fungi. Organisms that depend upon producers for food, e.g. animals. All the populations of different species who live in the same place at the same time. Carnivores that eat primary consumers. Older Children
Ecosystems and the Biosphere Fill in the blanks with the words that match each definition A feeding level in an ecosystem. A biome near the equator characterized by large amounts of rain and sunlight. Layers of treetops that shade the forest floor. Subtropical or tropical grassland with scattered trees and shrubs. An area where rainfall averages less than 25 cm per year. Hard
Educational Psychology What was Gardner describing when he said 'the bio-psychological potential to process specific forms of information in a particular way?'. When you start your career, how are you truly there for? Who do you want to see succeed and become the person they've always wanted to be? . Sigmund Frued developed a complex theory of personality, as well as the revolutionary method of therapy, this is known as:. What method of thinking is concerned with changing concepts and perceptions. . Who believes that people are a blank slate, and that information has to be pulled in.. Big
Electrical and Electronics resist electric current. electromagnetic wave. symbol 'T'. result of a division. to turn on and off current. Hard
Electricity Substance having infinitely high resistance.. Unit of electric current.. Which type of circuit series or parallel is preferred while connecting a large number of bulbs for decorating a hotel from outside.. Which type of circuit series or parallel is preferred while connecting a large number of bulbs inside the rooms of the hotel.. S.I. unit of electric power.. Older Children
ELECTRICITY P=I(IR) or P=VI. separate conducting paths. unit of current. observed that a piece of amber attracted small bits of paper.. found that many other different materials could be made to act like amber.. Very Difficult
Electricity Electrons don't move easily.. Transferring charge by touch.. Current that has one loop to flow through.. Net movement of electrical charges in a single direction.. Closed path an electrical current follows.. Older Children
Electricity Something that conducts electricity poorly.. Flow of electrons.. Metal is a GREAT.... Is your hair sticking up?. Electric Current, BACKWARDS.. Older Children
Electricity an electric current with multiple paths. a material that does not conduct heat very well. a liquid or paste that conducts electric current . the force that one surface exerts on another objects;When two rub against each other. current consisting of charges that flow in only one direction in a circuit . Big
Electricity circuit that connects several objects in a way that the current for each object has its own path. energy that travels in bundles of waves called photons. The only form of energy we can see.. complete path along which electric current flows. device used to start and stop the flow of electric current in a circuit. energy of moving objects. Big
Electricity and Electromagnetism a transformer that decreases voltage or current. a transformer that increases voltage or current. coil of wire that carries an electric . attacks objects within its magnetic field. energy possessed by an object by its motion and position . Older Children
Electricity and Magnetism an electric circuit with two or more paths for current. a material that slows the flow of heat and electricity. a basic property of the tiny particles that make up matter. Electric charges can be positive or negative. an electric circuit with only one path current. a flow of electric charges. Hard
Electromagnetism used to located objects on Earth. electromagnetic waves that you can detect with your eyes. has the highest frequency and therefore they carry the most energy. electromagnetic waves with wavelengths longer than about 0.001 . even higher frequncy than ultraviolet rays and has enough energy to go through the skin and the muscle. Teenage
Electronic converts AC to DC. Current that is stored.. when checking amperage hook your meeter in ?. Used to fill a lead acid battery. A high amp switch. Hard
Electronics a signal that carries information.. curcuit contains large numbers of interconnected conductor solid-state components and is made from a sinlge chip of siemiconductor material such as silicon. . an element that is a poorer conductor of electricity than metals but a better conductor than nonmetals. . a signal that varries smoothly in time. . a solid-state that can be used to amplify signals in an electric curcuit. . Teenage
Electronics puzzle the number of cycles of a repetitive wave occurring in a given time period. this type of circuit is used to change the ac power into pulsating dc. any circuit having only one path for current flow is called a ___circuit. a watt is the electrical energy expended at a rate of one ___ per second. one divided by frequency is the formula for finding the ___. Very Difficult
Electrons in Atoms Consists of the elements symbol, surrounded by dots representing all of the atoms valance electrons.. Defined as electrons in the atom's outermost orbitals.. The lowest allowable energy state of an atom.. He and an equation the predicts that all moving particles have wave characteristics.. The arrangement of electrons in an atom.. Hard
Elements white brittle metal with slight pink color used in fire detecting systems . hard silver-white element used in jewelry, electrodes for aircraft sparkplugs, and hardening Platinum alloys. used in plaster, Portland cement, electronic materials, and dairy products. whitish gas whose name comes from the Greek word meaning hidden. synthetic element produced by irradiating plutonium and other elements. Hard
Elements Read the description and match the element Atomic Number: 101. Symbol: Unh. has 30 isomers and unstable isotopes and 6 stable isotopes. Atomic Weight: (254). Most electronegative. Hard
Elements As Money scientist who derived theory of gravity and worked as master of the Royal Mint of England.. Ounce by ounce, the most valuable element you can buy. shortened named of the Aluminum Company of America.. Element used in paper money ink as a anti-counterfeiting tool.. Rocks that were thrown out because they were blieved to be trash but actually held 500 oz of gold per ton.. Hard
Endangered Species what we can do to save endangered species. the scientific study of the behavior of animals. where animals and plants live in the wild. species that have all died out and there is none left. an animal that lives in the savannas of Africa. Older Children
Energy type of potential energy. energy can not be created nor destroyed. energy due to random motion of the particles that make up an object. force that opposes motion between two surfaces. type of potential energy. Teenage
Energy _________ energy comes from burning fuels.. Most machines have ____________ energy.. ___________ and light are two kinds of energy.. Food, fuel, and __________ all have stored energy.. _______ energy changes into chemical energy.. Older Children
ENERGY energy possessed by the moving molecules of steam or any other substance.. form of energy in food and dynamite.. form of energy produced by musical instruments.. unit of energy. energy of radiant objects such as fire.. Teenage
Energy energy that is transmitted through space in the form of electromagnetic waves. energy that moves an object. a system that can exchange energy, but not matter, with its surrondings. stored energy. energy from moving electrons. Big
Energy Energy that is a measure of the total amount of kinetic energy in particles in an object.. Energy stored in chemical bonds.. The energy that results from vibrations in matter. Energy that moves objects.. Energy stored in by an object's shape. Older Children
Energy First stage in coal formation.. Combining the nuclei of two atoms.. Second stage in coal formation.. The process of burning a fuel.. Reducing amount of energy used.. Very Difficult
Energy By pacing low temputures on hot surfaces or objects starts what enery?. What enrgy is created by heat?. The standerd unit for potentail enrgy and work is what.. By spliting or joining atoms create what type of energy?. The gravitational potential energy = _____ times height.. Big
Energy _____ energy is energy we can hear.. _____ energy is the energy you use when you move or lift an object.. _____ and sound energy travel in waves.. _____ is how high or low the sound is. . _____Pitch Sounds come from slow moving vibrations.. Older Children
Energy and Power Energy of a compound that changes as its atoms are rearranged to form new compounds.. Energy caused by an object’s vibrations.. Energy of motion and position of an object.. The process of burning fuels.. A push or pull. Hard
Energy Awareness Crossword The energy that heats your home.. The energy that is released in your car engine.. Common unit of energy.. Material that keeps your house warm.. The rate at which work is done.. Teenage
Energy Conservation When a resource has reached the point at which it cannot regenerate itself, overusing resources that can read tp exhausting the supply.. What type of argument is this to support renewable energy? (Social,Econmoic,Environmental) : Renewable energy can create many new jobs for people. . In harmany with natural systems and acting to maintain the health and intergrity of the enviroment.. What type of energy is harnessed off the power of moving water to create electricity? . What type of energy is created from trees and plants and is used to make ethanol, doesel, and other organic fuels. Includes crops and plant waste and the methane gas produced from decomposition.. Hard
Energy Flow in Ecosystems Is a final stable community. The only organisms that can fix atmosphere nitrogen into chemical compounds are a few species . Each step through which energy is transferred. is an organism that makes its own food. A sequence in which energy is transferred from one organism to the next as each organisms eats another organism. Big
Energy Words heat energy. movement. substance transformation. energy produced by vibration . machine energy. Older Children
Entomology insects should be put into a ________ to end their life cycle. the application of the study of insects and other anthropoids to legal issues. female blowflies lay eggs within _____ after death. eat dead vertebrate bodies. between instar larvae 2 and the prepupae stage, 17mm 4-5 days. Hard
Environment green plants are also known as ____________.. the environment with biotic and abiotic components.. species which do not exist.. naturally produced food.. Green house gas.. Older Children
Environmental Analysis What do bacteria produce as it decomposes organic matter?. If a pollutant’s half-life is 20 days, how long (days) will it take for 1/8 of the amount of pollutant to remain?. Give the name of the most used herbicide.. Polar bears have been affected by pesticides because pesticides not only remains in the local environment but is also _________________ to other areas.. Environmental samples are kept at low temperatures to ____________ them.. Hard
Environmental Science EPA sues for pollution cleanup and has funds to pay for abandon waste sites. yard waste, fruit and vegetable scraps decomposing naturally. dumping water into the river, lake or sea that is much higher or lower than original termperature. water moving downward over the land on the surface. removes any trash or large objects from sewage stream. Very Difficult
Enzyme Regulation this is a site that is away from the active site of an enzyme. when an activator (which would be used to activate an enzyme later in the pathway) is used to prime an enzyme to funstion more quickly. a substrate will bind to one active site on an enzyme and that improves the shape of the other active sites on the enzyme. causes enzyme activity to decrease. inhibitors resemble the shape of the substate and block the active site. Hard
Enzyme Terms Enzymes are large biological molecules responsible for the thousands of chemical interconversions that sustain life.. To change the nature or natural qualities of.. In noncompetitive inhibition, a molecule binds to an enzyme somewhere other than the active site.. Cause or accelerate (a reaction) by acting as a catalyst.. organic molecules that enzymes require to function: vitamins. Hard
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