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Air Transportation
Natural form of lift produced by heat. frictional force. forward force created by the engine. Aerodynamic lift is explained by who's conservation of energy law. The main body of an aricraft.
Air Travel
a situation in which something happens later or more slowly than you expected. the place to which someone or something is going or being sent. one of a row of small cupboards above the seats in a plane where passengers can store things during a flight. – an authority or agency in a country responsible for collecting tariffs and for controlling the flow of goods, including animals, transports, personal effects, and hazardous items, into or out of a country. cards you have to fill in when you enter certain countries.
boarding pass. here they are. go to the gate. flight number. here you go.
work it out
where the plane flies. where you go when you get to the airport. where you buy things . planes go here. people on the plane.
All About Dirt Bikes
a spot to place your feet. Cools the engine. Goes over the rime to grip the ground. allows bike to shift gears. Makes the bike move forward.
Older Children
At the Airport
a person (other than the driver) who rides in a bus, boat, car, taxi, etc. a foreign travel authorization. you have to fasten it in the plane. it is not a direct flight. I have to ......................... in Madrid. I don't want a window seat, I want an ............... seat.
At the Airport
Find the missing words using the clues below
You this with your passport when you get on the plane. It is made of paper.. Another word for an outing or excursion - usually for fun or business. Similar to holiday.. Verb - this is what the plane does when it comes down.. Noun - Travelling from one place to another. It is the long part of the plane between the seats..
At the Airport
An expensive and luxurious section of the plane. . The place in the airport that determines if you can enter a country or not. . The house you need to get on the plane because your flight is taking off shortly. . A person who serves you on a plane. . A safety device that can save your life if the plane needs to land on water. It helps you float!.
Automotive Troubleshooting
Used to clean corrosions on the battery. A case used to assist with injuries . This guide helps you with general knowledge about automotive troubleshooting. An instrument used to cut wire. Used to lubricate nuts and bolts.
Sudden downpour of water lasting a few minutes. Upside down. Condition where critical angle of attack is exceeded. Heats the Plug. What type of aircraft was used to first break the sound barrier.
airport's main building used by passengers/cargo. place in a plane where the flight crew is located. place where aircraft take off and land. the act of increasing a plane's altitude. interactive device where passengers can obtain information.
your feet go on these. in the middle of the wheel. you ride it. shiny parts. your bike has two of these.
Older Children
When Dodge was first started was called what?. Cadillac Motor Company was founded in 1929, but from 1900-1929 it was called what?. This is a division of Dodge. This is just one brother of a car company.. FPV originates in this country and is sold only in this country.
British hood. Hot VW. Gas rating. Four Rings. Trunk in England.
Driver Education
seatbelts improve your chance of living by _______ % in a fatal car crash. _______ driving is protecting yourself from other drivers bad decision. Insurace every car in NJ must have. uphill with a curb, turn your tires _______ from the curb. a passive safety device in a car.
Electric Cars
What make the Ties turn. to stop the car . What you sit in the car . To make the car move . Store the energy.
Expressway Driving
Choosing a lane.. The speed in which traffic goes.. One of the most dangerous maneuvers a driver can attempt.. Used to alert other drivers of a lane change or direction of turn. . A high-speed divided highway for through traffic with access partially or fully controlled..
History of Motor Cars
Type of road, meant for fast traveling with cars. Navigation system. Name of Karl Benz's three wheeled car. First car brand, that introduced front-wheel drive car. Main material of car chassis.
Where the passengers/crew sleep.. The right side of the ship when facing the bow.. The navigation center of the ship; you can often find the captain here. Detection of the BOW of the shipir.. Where meals are prepared on a ship..
Mining and Railroads
grants of land or money. a reailroad line that spanned the continent. self appointed law keepers. A situation in which a period of great or rapid economic growth is suddenly followed by one of economic decline.. had prairies, mountains, and forests..
Older Children
Modes of Transport
uses fire to float in the air. moves under water. uses paddles to steer. a pilot flies this. has two wheels and no engine.
complete the crossword below
the person directing the vehicle. allows you to see at night. the color of yours. protects your noggin. keeps debris from flying into the air.
On the Road Again
the place toward which one is traveling. to cart or transport. elevated road,often one that runs over water or mashland. the amount carried by a freight car. the part of an engine in which fuel is mixed with air so it will burn.
Parts of a Car
Clears the rain from the windscreen so that you can see through it. The foot pedal that you use when you want to change gears.. Cools the water of the motor.. The way you enter and leave the car. Some cars have two of them but most have four.. mechanical obejct that is shaped like a disk and is installed on a shaft so that it rotates around it.
Places and Transportation
When I'm sick I go to the ............... A transportation that has two wheels but no machine.. A firman works in a ......... A public transportation, like an undergound, but doesn't run under the road.. I go to the ........ to buy euros..
Plane Travel
When your flight leaves later than planned. The schedule of your flights. A noun meaning when the plane gets there. The place you are going to. When you buy flights for your trip.
I travel in the train. The train travels on me. I carry passengers, bags and sometimes goods. I check everyone's ticket. I look after the railway station.
Road Intersections
A controlled change in movement or direction of a moving vehicle or vessel, as in the flight path of an aircraft.. A path marked off on a street to indicate where pedestrians should cross.. To go or extend in different directions from a common point.. To combine or unite.. A public way or road along with the houses or buildings abutting it..
Road Safety
If unrestrained these can also injure or kill others in the vehicle during a crash. We must obey this. You should always wear this in a vehicle. Increases the risk of being involved in a crash. In situations of fog, rain, smoke, bad light or sun in your eyes ---------- may be pooor.
Very Difficult
Road Safety Puzzle
wearing this saves lives. car safety feature. If you ingnore road rules you could receive this. avoid this when driving. should checked regularly for roadworthyness.
Older Children
Road Travel
Use the hints to guess the word(s).
place where a train transverses a road. small passage between buildings. side of road, place to pull over. where two roads meet to form an 'X'. official document required to legally operate a vehicle.
Roads and Transport
a zone that is used by both pedestrians and cyclists is _____. the person in control of the car. a word for all vehicles on the roads. a type of gate to stop cars entering. cars, trucks, buses, bikes etc.
School Bus
flashing sign on school buses. another name for 'the 5 keys to space cushion driving”. look for lost and found & sleeping children. key #1. picking up students next to the curb.
Sea Faring
right side of ship. ropes supporting mast. lowest point inside the ship. device used to keep a ship in place. front of ship.
Older Children
Test your knowledge on the ships!
Sister ship of Lusitania. A Cunard Line ship, which was torpedoed.. A ship that was rammed by the Stockholm and took 11 hours to sink.. A car ferry which capsized in 2 minutes.. Most famous sunken liner..
Solar Cars
Newton's first law explains this.. An object in _____ stays in _____.. A synonym to the frame of a car.. The force that tries to counteract thrust.. It helps with traction..
Space Transportation
First satellite in space (no number). First person to orbit the earth. Space missions to take pictures and study mars . First dog in space. reusable rockets.
Older Children
The London Underground
Angry monarch (5,5). Where tennis is played (9). The nursery rhyme says it’s falling down (6,6). An egg is this shape (4). Save your money here (4).
heavy vehicle pulled by a horse. pull. vehicle for space. piece of chopped off tree trunk. fall.
What is the battery in the elertic car?. Can be eliminated entirely with electric buses?. What does CNG stand for?. What is inbetween elertic and gasoline?. A long-term change in the earth's climate, especially a change due to an increase in the average atmospheric temperature?.
Transportation and Vehicles
This is built under the ground. . This is a public transportation run by electricity.. When the road is damaged, people will have to repair it and you will see a lot of these. . People often stand here before going on a train. . People often stand in this area to take a taxi. .
Young Kids
Please review the ....... card prior to takeoff, even if you have flown recently.. Keep you seatbelt fastened at all times, in case of unexpected........ Under your seat?. Don't turn on your ...... while in the air. We don't want your plane to crash.. What city will you be landing in?.
Older Children
moving stairs. it keeps you in your chair. where the pilots sit. where you show your passport. to see if you have weapons.
The person who sit next with the driver. A place where passengers can store their belongings . The thing that protects human life. A person who rides a bicycle . A person who controls the plane .
what you are when you travel on a plane. used to carry goods from town to town. travels on rails. country you live in. where buses stop for passengers.
Travelling Without a Car
good luck!
This transport is used in the Sahara desert.. This transport is used in Egypt.. In the desert the weather is really ..... You ride on it through the jungle.. Roads in Egypt can be really ....
Older Children
Truck Show In Vegas. Truck Meet in Florida. Fuel Injection Control Module. Brake For Your Exhaust. Expensive Lift.
tube shaped space vehicle. needs no fuel and good for exercise. Long snake like vehicle. Carries passengers and has a conductor. small wooden vehicles to catch fish.
Older Children
Vehicles, Ships and Aircraft
an airplane designed to be used in war. a ship that can travel under the sea. large ship/airplane designed for carrying, also called cargo ship. a ship with guns used for fighting in wars. a very large vehicle used for transporting gas or liquid.