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Age of Exploration

By Mady Cruse

                                            T   X        
                                            R   P   R    
                M I S S I O N A R Y         A   L   U    
                    P                       D   O   D    
                    A T L A N T I C S L A V E T R A D E  
                    N                           E   E    
                  C I R C U M N A V I G A T E   R   R    
                    S                             A      
                    H                             R      
                    C H R I S T O P H E R C O L U M B U S
                    O                     A       A     E
                C O N Q U I S T A D O R   R       N     A
                    Q                     A       D     R
B A R T H O L O M E U D I A S         C   V       A     O
                    I                 A   E             U
                  A S T R O L A B E   R   L             T
                    T                 G                 E
                    A G E O F E X P L O R A T I O N      
                  C O L U M B I A N E X C H A N G E      
                    R             A     O                
      P I L G R I M S             V     M                
                                  I     P                
                                  G     A                
                                  A     S                
                                  T     S                
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4 a person sent on a religious mission, especially one sent to promote Christianity in a foreign country
6 African slaves being shipped to the Americas for labor. This helped many villages and towns flourish
7 sail all the way around (something, especially the world)
9 One of the first explorers to land in the West Indies. He created the Columbian Exchange, and from Spain
12 a conqueror, especially one of the Spanish conquerors of Mexico and Peru in the 16th century
13 Portuguese explorer who in 1488 was the first European to get round the Cape of Good Hope (thus establishing a sea route from the Atlantic to Asia) (1450-1500)
15 an instrument formerly used to make astronomical measurements, typically of the altitudes of celestial bodies, and in navigation for calculating latitude, before the development of the sextant. In its basic form (known from classical times), it consi
16 A period in history when explorers traveled west to claim land in the Americas
17 The exchange of goods and ideas between the Eastern and Western hemisphere. It was created by Columbus
20 A group of English people that traveled to America for religious freedom
1 a person who explores an unfamiliar area; an adventurer
2 the action of buying and selling goods and services
3 a flat piece, usually of wood, metal, or plastic, hinged vertically near the stern of a boat or ship for steering
5 Spanish explorers that traveled west to secure riches and establish colonies. They conquered by force
8 a Spanish naval invasion force sent against England by Philip II of Spain in 1588. It was defeated by the English fleet and almost completely destroyed by storms off the Hebrides. Ora fleet of warships
10 a small, fast Spanish or Portuguese sailing ship of the 15th–17th centuries
11 route taken by sea by explorers
14 goods carried on a ship, aircraft, or motor vehicle
18 the process or activity of accurately ascertaining one's position and planning and following a route
19 an instrument containing a magnetized pointer that shows the direction of magnetic north and bearings from it
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