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Habitats And Food Chains Crossword Puzzle Answer

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Habitats and Food Chains

                    H     F        
                    A     O        
                    B     O        
                    I     D        
                F   T     W        
              C O N S U M E R S   C
                O   T     B       O
                D                 N
                C A R N I V O R E S
                H                 U
    F O O D C H A I N             M
                I                 E
            O M N I V O R E S      
                S             P    
                H E R B I V O R E S
                O             E    
                W             D    
P R O D U C E R S             A    
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4 animals that eat food provided by plants and animals
6 must have food,water,shelter,and a mate
7 serices of overlapping food chains
8 animals that eats both plants and animals
10 animals that survie on plants
11 plants and turmits
1 a place where an animals live
2 series of overlapping food
3 shows whats eaten
5 eat
9 eats other animals
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