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Human Genetic Disorders Crossword Puzzle

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Human Genetic Disorders

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3 Cystic Fibrosis is when _________ gets trapped in the lungs makng it hard to breathe
5 The allele for sickle-cell disease and normal cells are ___________
6 Genetic __________ is when you seek help to fing the chance of genetic disorders in offspring
7 Some genetic disorders are caused by a change in the overall number or structure of __________
8 Genetic disease that slows down blood clotting or takes it away
1 A picture of a persons chromosomes
2 Disease, changes shape of red blood cells, clogs blood vessels, doesn't carry as much oxygen
4 Disease, when cells fail to seperate propely in Meiosis, an extra copy of chromosome 21 is made
9 Some genetic disorders ate caused by _________ in the DNA
10 A family tree that shows genetic traits among family members
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