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Lab Equipment & Safety Rules

                              1   2                    
11                               12               13      
16         17                                   18        
              20                             21          
                  22     23     24     25                  
Across Down
3 Device used to pour liquids through a small opening.
4 What is the most important safety equipment?
8 Class D flammable materials
10 Class B flammable materials.
11 What do you use to extinguish a burning person?
14 Porcelain dish with a spout.
16 What is the triple A rule?
18 You clean lab equipment with this.
19 What are the three P's for using a fire extinguisher?
20 Amount of time you have to use the eye wash.
22 This is used to hold a test tube while it is being heated.
1 This uses gas as fuel to produce a flame.
2 When chemicals are spilled on clothing you should use this.
5 Used to scoop chemicals out of containers.
6 You use these to pick up small objects.
7 Measures the volume of liquids.
9 Cup-shaped glass vessel.
12 What part of the fire do you aim the fire extinguisher at?
13 Measures temperature.
15 Glass vessel with a small opening.
17 A ____ ____ has many shallow depressions.
21 A mesh used to ensure even distribution of heat.
23 Pick up hot objects with these.
24 This is used to measure the mass of an object.
25 When a burning person runs more ______ is added to the fire.
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