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Legal and Ethical Issues

                    E   J                      
                    T   U                      
                    H   S           A     L    
                    I   T           B     A    
                    C   I           U     R    
              P H Y S I C A L A B U S E   C    
              S         E           E     E    
A U T O N O M Y                           N   F
              C O N F I D E N T I A L I T Y   I
              H                               D
            N O N M A L E F I C E N C E   H   E
    V         L                           I   L
    A B A N D O N M E N T                 P   I
    L         G                           A   T
    U         I N V A S I O N O F P R I V A C Y
    E         C                                
            F A L S E I M P R I S O N M E N T  
              L                         L      
        F I N A N C I A L A B U S E     D      
              B                         E      
        S E X U A L A B U S E           R      
              S                         A      
            B E N E F I C E N C E       B      
                E                       U      
                G                       S      
                L                       E      
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5 The use of force to cause pain or injury to the abused person's body
6 Respect a person's rights and personal preferences
8 Keeping personal information that someone shares with you to yourself
9 Avoid harming those in your care. Use kindness and gentleness when administrating care
12 Act of withdrawing support or help from another person in spite of duty of responsibility, falls under the category for neglect
13 Violating another persons right to keep certain information and aspects of themself away from the examination of others
14 Confining another person against his or her will
16 Involves misusing or stealing another person's money or property
17 Forcing a person to engage in unwanted sexual activity
18 Do good for those in your care by preventing harm and promoting the health and welfare of the person above all else
1 Moral principles or standards that govern conduct
2 Treat people fairly and equally, regardless of race,religion,culture, disability, or ability to pay.
3 The repetitive and deliberate infliction of injury on another person
4 The act of stealing
5 Use of words or actions to cause emotional pain or injury
7 Act with integrity to earn others trust
10 A federal privacy regulation that helps to keep personal information about patients and residents private.
11 Maintain a person's privacy by allowing the person to discuss sensitive issues with the knowledge that the information will be kept secret
15 The abuse of an older person
19 Failure to provide for a dependent person's basic physical needs
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