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Matter And Change Crossword Puzzle

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Matter and Change

            4   5                             6  
11                           12                    
Across Down
3 gaseous state of a substance that is generally a liquid or solid
4 produces matter with a different composition than the original matter
8 one or two letter reprensentation of an element
9 the amount of matter an object contains
10 depends on the type of matter in a sample
11 matter that has uniform and definite composition
13 substance that can be observed or measured without changing the compositon
16 properties of the material change but composition doesn't
17 arrangement of elements in which elements are seperated into groups
1 contains two or more elements chemically combined
2 has indefinite shape, flows and has a fixed volume
5 depends on the amount of matter in a sample
6 simplest form of matter
7 measure of the space occupied by the object
11 has definite shape and volume
12 takes shape and volume of its container
14 each vertical column of the periodic table
15 each horizontal row of the periodic table
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