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OF Mice And Men Crossword Puzzle Answer

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Of Mice and Men

        G       E    
T A B L E       N    
        O       N    
        R A B B I T S
        G   U   E    
        E   N        
        C R O O K S  
            U     T  
            S     A  
    C U R L E Y   B  
    A             L  
    N             E  
Across Down
3 what is in the middle of the bunkhouse?
4 what does Lennie really want to pet?
6 crooked
8 who is the boss's son?
1 big and clumsy
2 small and intelligent
5 where do all the ranch workers sleep?
7 where does Lennie keep his puppy?
8 old and fragile
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