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Winston Churchill, Painter Crossword Puzzle Answers
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Winston Churchill, Painter

      P A I N T I N G O F A L I O N        
      M A I N P A S S I O N                
      D E D I C A T I O N                  
      W I N S T O N C H U R C H I L L      
      S I R J O H N L A V E R Y            
      T E A C H I N G                      
        X                 W                
        T H E G A R D E N A T H O E F A R M
        R                 L                
      M A R R A K E C H   T                
        O                 E                
H U N D R E D             R                
      S I S T E R I N L A W                
      P A S T I M E                        
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1 Churchill added a mouse to a _______________, at the official prime minister's relaxation home during WWII.
3 Painting was Churchill's ___________ from the day he started.
4 As Churchill aged, he started to paint with a more professional __________.
5 ________________ was not only a famous British politician, but also a painter.
6 Churchill's neighbor, _____________, and his wife helped teach Churchill to paint when he first became interested.
7 Sickert wrote in a work of literature his experiences ________ Churchill.
9 Churchill's first painting was called __________________.
10 Churchill oftentimes painted locations, such as _________, when he first saw them and their beauty.
11 Churchill painted over five _______ paintings.
12 Churchill was inspired by watching his ___________ paint, which drew him into painting.
13 Churchill wrote the book Painting as a _______ on his experiences painting.
2 Churchill was made an Honorary Royal _______________________ in 1948, due to paining.
8 _______ Sickert provided mentoring and great advice to Churchill on painting, in the early 1920s.
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