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World Religions

                                      4     5      
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    11   12         13                                
                14                   15              
              17             18   19                  
        21     22                                    
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4 This religion was founded in the Middle East over 3500 years ago.
7 This religion influenced The Beatles in the 1970's
8 Branch of Islam which places greater emphasis on the traditions of the prophet and his companions
9 One of the world's oldest, practicing religions originating in the Iranian Empire
10 The Pope is the leader of this church
11 Contains the scriptures of the Old Testament and the New Testament
13 This religion developed in Jamaica in the 1930's
14 Worlds largest religion
16 Branch of Islam that regards Ali as Muhammads first true successor
17 This church came into being in the 16th century as a reaction to Roman Catholic medieval doctrines and practices
20 These are sang in praise of God
21 Charles Wesley was a leader of this religion
23 Central religious text of Islam
24 Follows the teachings of 10 main gurus and believe they are all disciples of God
1 A way of communicating with your God
2 The Osmond family (singers + entertainers) belong to this church in Utah
3 Worlds 2nd largest religion and means 'submission to the will of God'
5 A person who believes that nothing is known, or can be known, of the existence or nature of God
6 Followers of this religion are best known for door-to-door preaching and distributing 'The Watchtower'
12 People who follow this religion believe in a state of Nirvana
15 This is the prevelent religion in Taiwan and China
18 Does not believe in God
19 Jewish Holy book
22 1 billion people follow this religion in India, Nepal and Mauritius, worshipping thousands of deities
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