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Body Crosswords

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Title Instructions / Description Sample Puzzle Hints Difficulty
Skeletal Protects your heart and lungs. A disease of the bone which leads to an increased risk of fracture. The bone that forms the forehead. Protects your brain and eyes. Otherwise known as the cheekbone. Big
Skeletal and Muscular System The chewing muscles are also called the muscles of. A disorder that causes a loss of bone mass.. This type of muscle is called involuntary muscle.. This muscle is only found in one place.. The enlarged ends of the long bone.. Hard
Skeletal and Muscular System instrument used to view inside a joint. fairly common metabolic disease of the bone . pertaining to the humerus. lack of muscle tone. The pelvic girdle is called. Hard
Skeletal System caused by lack of Vitamin D. used to diagnose fractured bones. soft part of your nose. attach one bone to another. jaw. Very Difficult
Skeletal System Needed to make bones sronger and harder. Occur where two bones meet together. Allow a rotating or twisting motion (head). Soft bone found in the center of the bone, contains blood cells. Flexible, rubber substance that protects the ends of bones. Big
Skeletal System Protects the spinal cord. Makes up the ribcage. Longest bone in the arm. makes up the forehead. Located on top of the spinal column. Older Children
Skeletal System Using the hints, fill out the crossword puzzle (compound words are put together). characterized by meshes of the reticular network that contain the developmental stages of red blood cells, white blood cells, and megakaryocytes. a joint that permits rotatory movement only—called also trochoid. autoimmune disease characterized by chronic inflammation of joints. literally means 'porous bones'. yellow, flexible cartilage that lines the external ear, some cartilages of the larynx/epiglottis. Very Difficult
Skeletal System Complete and fill crossword puzzle with the correct vocabulary word acute or chronic inflammation of a joint, often accompanied by pain and structural changes and having diverse causes, as infection, crystal deposition, or injury.. the breaking of a bone, cartilage, or the like, or the resulting condition.. Cell Biology. one of the large multinuclear cells in growing bone concerned with the absorption of osseous tissue, as in the formation of canals.. Cell Biology. one of the large multinuclear cells in growing bone concerned with the absorption of osseous tissue, as in the formation of canals.. the skeleton of the head and trunk. Big
Skeletal System Site in bones where red blood cells are formed. The end of a long bone. Most flexible type of cartilage. Joint where the the axis of a convex articular surface is parallel with the longitudinal axis of the bone. The end of a bone fits in a rounded socket into another. Very Difficult
Skeletal System Most plentiful mineral in bones. Disease that causes bone tissue to become thin. Where two or more bones connect. Connective tissue found in the nose and ear. Joint found in the skull. Hard
Skeletal System ear canal opening in skull. Cranial bone located on lower and back side of skull. suture that divides frontal bone and parietal bone. Hole in base of skull which spinal cord passes. 'collar-bone'. Hard
Skeletal System Shield shaped bone that is connected to the pelvis bone. Largest bone in the arm extending from the elbow to the shoulder. Knee cap. Largest of calf bones, located on the same side as the great toe. Small point where the lower rib attaches to the sternum. Hard
Skeleton Most superior part of the body. Also known as the skull. the anterior opening of the mandible. Located on the inferior end of the humerus on either side. Superior to the scapula. Also known as the collar bone. Contains five vertebrae.. Hard
Skeleton a cage of bones that surrounds the heart, lungs and liver to protect them. the point where two bones meet.. a soft spongy tissue that is in the middle of the bone.. adults have 206 and children have 300.. the bone in the upper part of your thigh or leg.. Older Children
Skin What do we put on our skin to protect us from the sun?. What does the skin keep out of our body?. What do nerve endings do?. This grows from a deep pocket of the skin.. There are little________in the thick layer of the skin.. Easy
Skin a mineral needed for strong bones. skin protects the body from these bad toxins. middle layer of skin. outer layer of skin. what doctors do to skin after a very bad burn. Big
Skin bleeding. lack of blood to tissue. drainage with yellow , green or brown color, and odor. drying out. red, moist tissue in wound bed. Hard
Skin & Pain What is responsible to give you the sense of touch or pain?. Second Layer of Skin below Epidermis is called. What allows your skin to tan?. What is easier to see, the older you get?. Outter layer of skin. Older Children
Skin and Tissue Chromosomes are aligned.. Inflammation of the dermis. Solution of proteins and metabolites inside a biological cell, in which the organelles are suspended. Paired chromosomes move to opposite sides of the cell. Under the epidermis, contains hair follicles and sweat glands. Hard
Skin Structure Identify the following terms. blackheads; hair follicle filled with keratin and sebum. means that the sunscreen product has been shown to protect against both UV-A and UV-B radiation of the sun. fibrous protein of cells that is also the principal component of hair and nails. excrete perspiration and detoxify the body by excreting excess salt and unwanted chemicals. underlying or inner layer of the skinm. Hard
Skin, Bones, and Muscles Protects your heart and lungs. Tough waterproof proteins. Another name for backbone. Another name for skull. The muscle your heart is made from. Hard
Small Intestine What releases digestive juices into the small intestine?. The primary function of the small intestine is to absorb... What muscle at the end of your stomach opens to allow food into the small intestine?. What is broken down in the Duodenum?. How many meters long is the small intestine?. Hard
Special Senses Solve the puzzle below. ringing in the ear. what you hear with. opaque lens. What can detach. What looks better on Squillium thanSquidward. Hard
Stem Cells organism in its earliest stages of development. unspecialised cels. egg and sperm cell fuse. long coiled molecules of DNA. cells that have a particular function. Hard
Structural Features of The Heart Try our new crossword puzzle based entirely on the structural features of the heart! Small, thin walled chamber; only has to push blood a short distance. Veins returning blood from the body to the right side of the heart. Blood enters this chamber from the lungs . SL valve on the right side. Blood vessels that carry deoxygenated blood to the lungs . Big
Structures of the Central Nervous System Complete the crossword puzzle by identifying the correct term with its description the CNS begins as this structure in embryonic stage. one of the structures of the CNS, protected by the cranium, meninges, blood brain barrier and cerebral spinal fliud. consists of the brain and the spinal cord, focus on integration of sensory stimuli and production of motor responses. biggest and most obvious part of the brain, deemed the intelligence center, where reading, writing, speech, creation and memory come from. composed of functional areas that enable one to be aware of self and environment, inititates voluntary movement. Big
Surgical Imaging a nurse specifically trained to assist surgeons in the operating room and are part of the sterile team. A substance used to enhance the representation of structures within the body during medical imaging . a hollow flexible tube for insertion into a body cavity or vessels to allow the passage of fluids or open up a passageway.. a protective garment worn by anyone in the operating room. A team member in the operating room that is not allowed within the sterile field. Very Difficult
Teeth first teeth. hidden part of tooth. adult teeth. fills the hole in tooth. rotting of teeth. Older Children
Teeth Another word for filling. The hard white covering over your teeth. You clean your teeth with it . Pointy teeth next to your incisors. These teeth are also called biscupid teeth and you have 8 of them . Young Kids
The 5 Senses These are parts of the organs that make the 5 senses possible Converts images into electrical messages. The 'color' of the eyes. A passageway that goes from the pinna to the eardrum. A snail shaped chamber filled with liquid and cells with tiny hairs on top. Opening to the nose. Hard
The Blood A dash indicates a space between the answers White blood cells are known as . Blood is classified as a connective. When there is an insufficient number of red blood cells or the cells do not have enough hemoglobin, the individual suffers from . Means 'white blood' and refers to a group of cancers that involve uncontrolled white blood cell proliferation. What produces the majority of the plasma proteins?. Hard
THE BLOOD BANK The attachment of immune complexes to the red cell surface is called Red Cell . The source of radiation for the Gammacell Irradiator. The H Lectin. The blood bank 'bible'. The product made by thawing FFP between 1-6 degrees Celsius. Hard
The Blood, Lymphatic, and Immune System Medical Terms Process of blood clotting. A circumscribed mass of tissue . Decreased number of red blood cells . Immune reaction directed against a person's own tissue . Protected from an infectious disease . Hard
The Body Hear sounds. Smell with my. To think with. To stand on and walk. To see things. Easy
The Body Find the word to the hint. helps identify kidney disease that can occur as a complication of diabetes. a red protein responsible for transporting oxygen in the blood of vertebrates. Its molecule comprises four subunits, each containing an iron atom bound to a haem group.. the system by which ingested food is acted upon by physical and chemical means to provide the body with absorbable nutrients and to excrete waste products. any of the many tiny air sacs of the lungs which allow for rapid gaseous exchange.. plural form of bronchus.. Big
The Body what are bone filled with?. i am a 'mighty' power house what am I? . what muscle is in your abs?. whats the strongest muscle by weight in your body?. what are bones made up of? . Hard
The Brain the pineal gland makes it to help you feel sleepy. part that controls balance and movement. brain part that keeps you breathing. gland that controls your growth. the biggest part of the brain. Older Children
The Brain elevated ridges of the cerebrum that provides more surface area for thousands of neurons. an area of the diencephalon which functions as a relay station for sensory impulses (recognition of pleasant or unpleasant). auditory area of the cerebrum. mass of gray matter the extends the entire length of the brain stem that plays a role in consciousness and the awake/sleep cycles. large fiber tract that connects the cerebral hemispheres and allows the hemispheres to communicate with one another. Big
The Bronze Bow restrein. fresh growth. to obtain awareness or understanding. eturning aside. kitchen is a ship. Big
The Cardiovascular System Using your knowledge of the Cardiovascular System complete the crossword puzzle. the valve between the right atrium and the right ventricle. carries deoxygenated blood into the heart. the muscular tissue of the heart. a vein carrying oxygenated blood from the lungs to the left atrium. carries oxygenated blood to the rest of the body. Hard
The Central Nervous System Sense of smell.. Estraocular eye movements , eye lid elevation, pupil contraction lens shape.. Makes alll facial expressions , lip alteration, taste on anterior of tounge, controls tears and saliva.. Sense of sight.. eye movement downward and upward.. Older Children
The Chemistry of Life Fill in the blanks with words associated with carbon compounds. Consists of 5 carbon sugars; a phosphate group and a nitrogeneous base.. Large and varied group of biological molecules that are not generally soluble in water.. A/K/A 'RNA.'. A/K/A 'DNA.'. Created when monomers join together.. Adult
The Circulatory System The fluid that flows through out the body. The organ system which helps blood flow through the body. Carry blood away from heart . Maintaining a stable body temperature. The element transported in blood. Older Children
The Circulatory System Another name for a heart attack, reduced blood flow in the coronary arteries supplying the heart muscle.. This directs blood from the right ventricle into the pulmonary arterties.. Small blood vessels between the arteries and the capillaries.. Blood cells that are able to engulf and digest cellular debris and foreign bodies in the tissues.. These are microscopic vessels that continue from the capillaries and merge to form veins.. Big
The Circulatory System the only true element cells (have nuclei), protect from infectious microorganisms. the protein that maintains osmotic balance of the blood so water doesn't flow outside of the cell. percentage of blood that is made up of red blood cells. oxygen carrying protein. the type of bone marrow that red blood cells originate from. Older Children
The Cranial Nerves smile. plulling for you. gag me with a spoon!. Double your pleasure. supplied by hypoglossal nerve. Hard
The Digestive System gastric juice which is produced by the liver. finger-like structures that contains blood and lymph vessels. a semisolid material that is discharged by the anus. a narrow coiled tube which is 22ft. long. it is where the food enters. Older Children
The Digestive System performs over 500 different jobs. the process in which our body breaks down food and delivers nutrients. loop-like structures in the small intestine. removes water and salts. produces bile which breaks down fat. Teenage
The Digestive System A flat gland found in the lower abdomen that creates fluids that break down food . The organ responsible for detoxification, protein synthesis, and releases fluids needed for digestion. The organ that breaks down nutrients in food. The organ that disposes of bacteria and unhealthy germs . The organ mainly responsible for down food. Hard
The Digestive System just below the stomach. small pear shaped organ. second largest organ in the body. the last part of digestion. gets most of the nutrients out of the food. Older Children
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