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Government And Politics Crosswords

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Congress one who favors giving a narrow conservative construction of a given document or instrument.. the forfeiture of land and civil rights suffered as a consequence of a sentence of death for treason or felony.. the exclusive legal right, given to an originator or an assignee to print, publish, perform, film, or record literary, artistic, or musical material, and to authorize others to do the same.. a tax, such as income tax, that is levied on the income or profits of the person who pays it, rather than on goods or services.. divide and allocate.. Big
Constitution to consent or agree to. to select or designate to fill an office or position. the ability of each branch of government to exercise checks, or controls, over the other branches. act of official confirmation. the President in his role as commander of all armed forces. Big
Constitution Leader of majority in control.. Residing house in the house of representatives. . Commander-in-chief, nominates for federal agencies.. President disapproves a bill. Keep majority in line. . Older Children
Constitution Read the hint carefully. Then put the word or phrase in the correct place. There are no spaces when you write the words. This is the length of a term for the Supreme Court. . This is the power for the Supreme Court to review the laws and decide if they are constitutional. . This is the length of a term for president. . This is how many years a term is for the House of Representatives. . This branch of government has the power to carry out the laws. . Older Children
Constitution Convention The first government of the United States was the Articles of ______________. James _______ is the father of the Constitution. The Constitutional Convention created a government with a stronger _______ government. George __________ was presiding officer of the convention. Congress will make no law until 1808 regarding the slave trade. Older Children
Constitutional Concepts It gives each branch control over the other branches. How a president can get thrown out. A documentthat sets everyone has thes undeniable rights. Known as Father of constitution. Is made up of electors who represent the voters of each state. Big
Constitutional Convention Congress couldn't outlaw slavery for how many years?. What was needed for the delegates to make the constitution?. What were the people called that knew a strong national gov. was needed?. What did smaller states fear?. Who didn't want taxes to make items harder to sell to Britain?. Hard
Constitutional Era statue of the state’s law in Fredericksburg, VA. to prevent one power from becoming supreme (too much power). wrote the Virginia Declaration of rights. first 10 amendments of the constitution. powerful during Thomas Jefferson's presidency. Big
Consumer Law how good or bad a product is. the system of rules which a particular country or community recognizes as regulating the actions of its members and which it may enforce by the imposition of penalties.. a milestone legislation that took on the task of protecting consumer rights, covering multiple kinds of products and services.. the way in which the elements of a whole are arranged.. the action of protecting, or the state of being protected.. Big
Creating Congress temporary commitees. what dose AA stand for . all voters of each state elect senators. nearly all standing committees . how many kinds of commitiees dose congress have . Hard
Crime Scene - Do Not Cross location where a crime occured. A draft representation of all essential information and measurements at a crime scene.. Properties of evidence that can be attributed to a common source with a high degree of accuracy . any object that can establish that a crime has been committed. A precise rendering of the crime scene, usually drawn to scale.. Teenage
Current Events Who was the American Republican presidential nominee? . Who is Syria's closest ally?. In which Syrian city was ISIS first formed?. What fruit is threatened by a fungus and facing extinction within the next 20 years?. Who is the leader of Syria?. Big
Current Events What general committee would Congress use to pass a new tax?. What is the title of the president that allows him to negotiate treaties and deal with other countries (two words no space). Why did Trump win the election if he didn't win the popular vote? (two words no space). True or false: Trump has the power to nominate a cabinet?. Who does Trump have to go through to pass new taxes?. Big
Deciding Cases at the Supreme Court Reason behind Supreme Court decisions include the justices' legal _________.. Docket lists the cases the Supreme Court has decided to _____.. Roe v. Wade (1973) legalized a woman's right to an _____________ under certain circumstances.. Two kinds of disputes have their original trials in the Supreme Court. One is in which a _______ is a party.. Reason behind Supreme Court decisions include the _____.. Very Difficult
declaration of independence People break away from a country to form its own nation.. Each has_____ vote . congress created a system measuring and setting west of the appalachian mountains. . When a government is taking away the rights of citizens. citizens can_______. Is the idea that the power of government comes from the poeple.. Teenage
Declaration of independence People break away from a country to form its own nation.. Each state has_____ vote . congress created a system measuring and setting west of the appalachian mountains. . When a government is taking away the rights of citizens. citizens can_______. Is the idea that the power of government comes from the poeple.. Teenage
Declaration of Independence an act or instance of rising in revolt, rebellion, or resistance against civil authority or an established government.. having unlimited power; uncontrolled or unrestricted by law; despotic; tyrannical.. an imposing or collecting, as of a tax, by authority or force.. close relationship or connection.. honest; impartial.. Hard
Declaration of Independence Revolutionary leader who wrote the pamphlet Common Sense (1776) arguing for American independence from Britain.. American colonists who were determined to fight the British until American independence was won. 1776 statement, issued by the Second Continental Congress, explaining why the colonies wanted independence from Britain.. It met in 1776 and drafted and signed the Declaration of Independence, which justified the Revolutionary War and declared that the colonies should be independent of Britain.. Lists the things the king did to hurt the colonists and caused them to break away from Britain. Big
Democracy Join or work without being paid or rewarded. A part of a counrty. Surveying. Moving out of a country . Everybody must do it. Big
Democracy and Federation The union of several colonies or provinces into one federal government. A vote in private. Territory occupied by a settlement of people from a ruling country. Someone who acts for a large group of people. administered once every five years by the Australian Bureau of Statistics. . Teenage
Democratic Party Democrats support the right to choose to have this, even if the mother cannot pay.. Largely credited with writing the Constitution.. Used the Indian removal act of 1830.. Jackson is known for representing this.. At one time was the president of Princeton University.. Hard
Election Favorable to progress or reform, as in political or religious affairs. A person desgnated to act for represent another or others, deputy, represenatives, as in political convention. A place at or in which votes in an election cast. An orginization to gain power . An officer next in rank to a president's absence. Hard
Election Mixup! The amount of time a position is held.. A promise.. A person running for public office.. A discussion between people running for public office.. To make a decision.. Older Children
Election Month color on flag that represents justice . self esteem or self worth. allegience to one's country. how you treat others through words and actions. member of a democratic community. Easy
Elections Vocabulary over U.S. Presidential elections The votes cast by regular citizens on election day. . A state marked by a certain color on election maps that normally represents Democratic states.. A formal survey of voters leaving polling places on Election day, asking for which candidates they voted.. One of the two major U.S. political parties that is normally Liberal in their beliefs.. A way for citizens to vote by mail when they cannot get to their polling place.. Hard
Eminent Domain In this case, Eminent Domain was denied because of the lack of evidence of blight, but redeveloped some parts of the city.. A temporary reduction or elimination of a tax for an individual.. A case decided by the Supreme Court of the United States involving the use of eminent domain to transfer land from one private owner to another private owner to further economic development. . The legal seizure of property by a government authority for public use, through the powers of eminent domain, in exchange for fair market value.. The income that is gained by governments through taxation. Hard
Executive Branch The result of the votes of all eligible voters. A body of advisers to the President, composed of the heads of the executive departments of the government. Term for the President as the main architect of foreign policy and spokes person to other countries. The titular head of a nation as distinct from the head of the government. A head of state or officer in supreme command of a country's armed forces. Teenage
Executive Branch Who is the president pro tempore now. Who is the current head of the state department . Who was the 26th president. These are written agreements with other nations. This helps set up plans that guide our nations relationship with other nations. Older Children
Executive Branch Fill in the puzzle! The most recent cabinet department founded. Number of days before a president must inform Congress of a military action. An order issued by the president to agencies in the government. Presidential appointments must be __________ by the Senate. The amendment detailing when a vice president may assume the role as president. Hard
Federal Reserve System The nation's 1st true central bank. This is cash available for withdrawals, rather than being invested. regulates the amount of money available in the econoy. The FOMC regulates the nation's money supply by buying and selling government _________. . Another word for security. Teenage
First 10 Presidents Quiz 2 Fifth President. Fourth President. Seventh President. Eighth President. Third President. Big
First Lady's of the United States 1933-1945. 1837-1841. 1969-1973. 1901-1909. 1889-1893. Big
Foreign Defense Policy A relationship between two or more people, regions, nations or other entities in which each is dependent on the other for necessary goods or services.. a government's strategy in dealing with other nations. a group tasked with gathering, processing and analyzing national security information from around the world, primarily through the use of human intelligence. international organization formed in 1945 to increase political and economic cooperation among member countries.. a union of oil producing countries that regulate the amount of oil each country is able to produce.. Big
Forms of Government A state or government ruled by an absolute ruler.. Government ruled by a leader who has a hereditary right. . Government by a single person, who holds unlimited power.. Government by the people, either directly or through representatives. . Government by the few, usually a small faction or group. . Big
Foundations and Democracy Do the crossword puzzle A government in which citizens chose a smaller group to govern on their behalf. A form of democracy in which the people vote first hand. A freedom people possess relating to life, liberty, and property. The principle that a ruler or a government is not all-powerfull. A representative democracy where citizens choose their lawmakers. Adult
Foundations of American Government Publisher of New York Weekly Journal, who was arrested for criticizing the governor of New York. This led to the right of Freedom of Press. . Pattern of trade that developed in Colonial times among the Americas, Africa, and Europe.. American colonist in January 1776, inspired many by publishing, Common Sense. He wanted complete independence from Britain.. An organization formed to oppose the stamp act. . 'Great Charter' is another name for this. King had to sign this. It limited power of monarchs. It also protected nobles privileges and authority. Also it granted certain rules to landholders.. Big
Foundations of Government List of colonists' grievances against the King of England written by Thomas Jefferson in 1776. The power of the courts to determine the constitutionality of legislative and executive branch actions. The precedent for judicial review was established in the 1803 case of Marbury v. Madison. First ten amendments to the Constitution which restrict the federal government's power to take away certain basic rights of the poeple. Those rights which are guaranteed or ensured to an individual, as opposed to a group . The distribution of power and authority among the legislative, executive, and judicial branches of gevernment. Teenage
Framing the Constitution . This branch of government makes the laws. Having two houses in the government. George ___________ was our first president. Approved of the Constitution. Location of the Constitutional Convention. Hard
Franklin D. Roosevelt Complete the crossword. A part of Roosevelt’s second New Deal, which provides money to the retired, children, the disabled, and the unemployed.. One of the three R's, which is to lay the foundation of economic growth.. One of the three R's, which is to ease the suffering of Americans.. Radio talks about issues of public concerns, clearly explaining Roosevelt’s New Deal programs.. The U.S. president who created the 'New Deal.' (First name, middle initial, last name). Big
Freedom People's freedoms are their _____.. _____ Spangled Banner is our national anthem that is a symbol of American history.. Freedom of _____ means that people can say what they wish.. a synonym for freedom. Pledge of ______ is a promise to be loyal to your country.. Older Children
Freedom of Expression written defamation of character. speech that criticizes the government to promote rebellion. the right of the people to gather peacefully and petition government. censorship of or punishment for the expression of ideas before the ideas are printed or spoken. test used by the courts that allows language to be regulated only if it presents an immediate and urgent danger. Teenage
FREEDOM OF SPEECH Speech that is crude, coarse, profane, ribald or partially offensive . A public talk or lecture. Also called an open forum, is open to all expression that is protected under the First Amendment. Property the government has deliberately set aside for speech uses by members of the public. Works that visually depict real children engaged in sexual acts. Big
Functions of the Government This branch includes Congress. When the president denies a bill, this is called ______.. The city where the Constitutional Convention was held. The first 10 amendments to the Constitution. This is the idea that all will accept the decision of the majority or most of the people. Older Children
George C. Marshall he was _____ secretary of defense . american soldier and statesman during WW2. he was _____ of staff of the U.S army. he was _____ of state for Harry Truman. helped fight ______ the axis nations. Older Children
Globalisation Companies that operate in several countries. A system of transport, that uses a steel container to transport goods.. The process by which businesses or other organizations develop international influence or start operating on an international scale. Refers to designated areas in countries with special economic regulations that differ from other areas in the same country. . Money granted by the government to help an industry or business.. Hard
Government accepts public acts. architect of public policy and agenda. governmental issues. absolute power. political attitudes and opinions. Very Difficult
Government all people are treated fairly under the law. political unit with the power to make and enforce laws over a group of people living within a clearly define territory. supreme power to act within its territory and to control its external affairs. the ability of people to act and think as they choose. belief that ordinary people could aspire to rule themselves and do so as political equals. Hard
Government Figure out the term described in the statement to complete the puzzle. a political community in a precise territory. the state has supreme and absolute authority within its boundaries. governments make and maintain law without approval from any other authority. nations that are just beginning to developing industrially. the idea that certain people are chosen by god to rule. Hard
Government A system where each branch of government excercises some control on others. Suspicious of a strong government. Powers that are shared by the state and federal governments . Approval. Establishes the executive branch to carry out the laws passed by Congress. Big
Government each branch is subject to a number of constitutional checks, or restaints, by the other branches . government must be conducted according to constitution principles . 3 basic powers are separated among 3 independent branches of the government . people are the only source for any and all governmental powers. government is never above the law. Teenage
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